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Spoken Word of Adi Da Samraj

In many traditions, it is considered to be extremely auspicious to hear the spoken word of an Adept as it carries with it a transmission of awakening power. The CDs listed below consist either of excerpts from numerous Talks Given by Avatar Adi Da Samraj that focus on a particular topic in His Divine Wisdom-Teaching, or recordings from a single gathering in which Avatar Adi Da engages His devotees in a "consideration" about the real process of God-Realization.

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The Dual Sensitivity That Moves The Heart (2-CD)

In these exquisite Discourses, which were recorded over two consecutive nights on the island of Naitauba in Fiji, Avatar Adi Da Communicated essential Instruction on what He calls the “dual sensitivity”—or the simultaneous sensitivity to the suffering of mortal existence and to the heart’s impulse toward True Happiness.

Excerpt from Disc One: The Dual Sensitivity At The Origin of The Divine Way of Adidam

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Participate In The Invisible Dimension of Reality (CD)

Using the Shamanistic traditions of North America to illustrate right relationship to the invisible, energy realms of existence, Avatar Adi Da urgently calls everyone to overcome the addiction to the false doctrine of materialism. Free and full participation in the energy dimension of existence, Avatar Adi Da says, provides the necessary foundation for restoring balance to the Earth-world, and for ecstatic embrace of the Reality-Realizing Process in His Divine Company.

Excerpt from Track #3: The New Doctrine of Materialism

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After My Lifetime
Double-CD—over two hours long!
An exceptional collection of Avatar Adi Da’s Instruction covering the significance of His Divine Mahasamadhi (bodily passing), the ever-present Gift of the direct relationship to Him, and the never-ending Nature of His Work to Bless and Awaken all beings.

Excerpt from Track #1: The Reason For My Birth

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The Asana of Science (CD)
In this recording from 1980, Avatar Adi Da Samraj speaks about the false presumptions upon which the conventional scientific point of view is based.

Excerpt from Track 1

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The Avon Lady/ Walking The Dog (2-CD Set)
Double-CD—nearly two hours long!
Two humorous and penetrating Discourses from the very earliest years of Avatar Adi Da’s Teaching-Work offering basic Instruction regarding the nature of seeking and the Awakening Function of the True Guru.

Listen to clip from “The Avon Lady”

Listen to clip from “Walking The Dog”
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Awaken To Brightness (CD)
A selection of Discourses from 1974 to 1997, which cover a broad spectrum of Avatar Adi Da’s Instruction. They provide a basic introduction to His Wisdom-Teaching and include Adi Da addressing principle matters of Spiritual life.
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Beyond Sex, Science, and "self" (CD)

Avatar Adi Da Samraj Reveals that Liberation cannot ever be achieved through sex, science, or religion! And He makes the astounding assertion, “Realization has nothing to do with the body-mind.”

Listen to this CD for Adi Da's Instruction on True Freedom, which He says is discovered only in the utter transcending of “point of view”, by means of the Transmission of Reality Itself.

Also available as a digital download (see more product details).

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The Bridge to God (CD)
On October 26, 1980, a shaman from Mexico visited the Mountain Of Attention, Avatar Adi Da Samraj’s Northern California sanctuary. The following day, Avatar Adi Da considered with His devotees the inherently magical nature of the world and our psychic relationship to it.

He describes the difference between the left-brained, scientific, control-oriented way of relating to the world, and the magical, psychic, or shamanistic point of view, in which the elements of the non-human world are related to in a participatory manner.

Digitally download from Apple Music here

Digitally download from Amazon Music here

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The Causal Position/ Transcending the Cosmic Domain (CD)
Double-CD—over two hours long!
Drawn from a series of unique occasions of Avatar Adi Da’s Instruction in 1995 when He answered many questions about the Nature of Reality, and made profound Revelations of the Nature of His Divine Avataric Incarnation.

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Conversion To The Guru (CD)
In this Discourse Avatar Adi Da Samraj masterfully explores the relationship between experience, understanding, and Truth: Experience cannot ever lead to Truth—but, in the context of the devotional relationship to Avatar Adi Da, experience can serve the crisis of understanding that makes a person available to His Transmission of Truth.

Includes Avatar Adi Da’s lively recountings of two genuine conversion stories—one from a modern Christian minister and the other His amusing free-rendering of the story of Ribhu and his disciple Nidhaga (from the Ribhu Gita, an epitome of traditional Non-dualist teachings).

Play a 5:45 minute clip from CD
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The Cosmic Mandala (CD)
A Discourse from 1982 in which Avatar Adi Da describes the Cosmic Mandala and how it is experienced and “seen” in the death process.
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Cracking the Code of Experience (CD)
A devotee's question about memory and a bicycle accident sparks Avatar Adi Da's Discourse about the nature of the human mechanism. From October 24, 2004.

Excerpt from Track 4: Break the Spell of Seeking

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Crazy Da Must Sing (CD)

My room is slanted,
eaves are falling in the eaves.
A man announces the lack of wisdom
when he builds a temporary,
unstable house.

My body is all angles on the round.
My mind pursues the secret logic
of my Nature.
But the body was not made forever.
Only until I should know the Truth.

When I knew the Truth,
the body and my room were unconcerned.
Then I was free to shake them down.
I made a perfect soundness
for my dwelling.

And my form is love.

— Avatar Adi Da Samraj, from poem 9

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Da Mahamantra
This CD is a rare recording of Avatar Adi Da Samraj Intoning one of the Da Mahamantras (or Great Mantras of the Divine Being, Da)—which He has Given to His devotees, for ecstatic invocation of His Living Divine Presence. Avatar Adi Da’s Intonation is accompanied by a background track of Avatar Adi Da Himself playing the tamboura. Therefore, this recording is a pure medium of Avatar Adi Da’s Spiritual Transmission, Communicating His Perfectly Free and Love-Blissful State directly to the heart of the listener.

Excerpt of Avatar Adi Da Chanting (with tamboura backing)

Excerpt of Avatar Adi Da Playing tamboura

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Death and the Purpose of Existence (CD)

A collection of Talks and Recitations that exemplify Avatar Adi Da’s essential Reality-Teaching on death. Includes a range of excerpts, taken from throughout the 30 years of Avatar Adi Da’s formal Teaching-Work.

Track #4: Death, Meditation, and Spiritual Life:

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The Divine Domain Is Not Elsewhere / My Kiln of Brightness (CD)
Two Talks by Ruchira Avatar
Adi Da Samraj

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The Divine Is Not the Cause (CD)
In response to a series of questions about self-awareness, the nature of the “ego”, and how the self-contraction is caused, Avatar Adi Da Speaks of the self-confinement of human beings (in contrast to non-humans as natural contemplatives), the effort to trace any experience or thought to its Source, and the Divine Reality as the True Condition of all things (not the “cause” of any thing).

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Do This Yoga in All Your Parts (CD)
Avatar Adi Da speaks of how the devotional Yoga in the Way of Adidam is not about åstruggling with the difficulties of the body-mind, but of surrenderinåg the “four faculties” (attention, feeling, body, and breath) in devotional response to Him.

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Enter Into Unlimited Profundity (CD)

When Avatar Adi Da Samraj is asked a question about “karmas” as determining factors in human life, He points to something even more fundamental than the universal law of cause and effect. Listen to this CD to hear His priceless Instruction.

Excerpt from Track 2. Every Moment Is Suitable for Profundity

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The Fire Must Have Its Way (CD)

His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da clarifies that real Spiritual practice is not about “feeling good”, but an intense purification of all limits on feeling.

This fire of purification occurs by coming into contact with the Pure Radiance of the Spiritual Master. By persistently granting feeling-attention to Avatar Adi Da’s Living Divine Presence, all ego-patterns are “burned up” by His Grace—ultimately enabling egoless participation in the Perfect Ecstasy of Real God.

Play a 4:46 minute clip

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The First Step (CD)
Live the Ecstatic Life of Communion with Real God through Devotion to the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj
[compact disc]
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The Five Steps of Adidam: The Second Step (CD)
Embrace the Life-Positive Disciplines of Diet, Sexuality, Exercise, Service, and Cooperative Life
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The Fundamental Purpose of Existence (CD)
Your experience is a limitation on what you can presume. So you must have a greater experience, and that means you have to grow. . . If you want Great Realization, Great Freedom, and so on, you've got to start to grow again. And that requires a Great Ordeal.

—Avatar Ad Da Samraj,
April 1, 1988

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Garbage and the Goddess (CD)
A selection of Discourses from 1974 to 1997, which cover a broad spectrum of Avatar Adi Da’s Instruction. They provide a basic introduction to His Wisdom-Teaching and include Adi Da addressing principle matters of Spiritual life.

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The Gift of Ripening (CD)
            Do you recognize all experience as inherently unsatisfactory?
      How “ripe” are you for the process of Divine Self-Realization?
How can you tell if you are truly ready or not?
        By listening to this Discourse, you will receive Avatar Adi Da’s Guidance in understanding your level of ripeness. And such a realistic (rather than idealistic) assessment is an essential element in preparing for the process of Realizing True Happiness He Offers—the process of the “transcending of all conditionality in the Self-Radiant Conscious Light that is the ‘Bright’”.

Play a 3:25 minute clip
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God Is Not in Charge (CD)
Have you ever pondered:
• Is God a Being, or the Being, taking care of everyone?
• If there is a God, then why isn’t God obviously just in charge?
• Why do individuals who don’t believe in God very often seem to have a relatively enjoyable life, and believers just as frequently suffer?
• If God is a Parent-Force, then why doesn’t the commitment to God bring into your life evidence that you are being protected and sustained?

Listen to a 2:20 minute sample clip

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The God Who Truly Is / Love Is How I Got To Here (2 CD Set)
The God Who Truly Is
In this talk, Avatar Adi Da describes the Way as the utter transcending of fear. He speaks about finding True God as Source rather than “Creator”, and considers the mechanism that is actually responsible for generating the conditional universe.
Love Is How I Got To Here
In this talk, Avatar Adi Da describes how the preparatory stages of practice in the Way of Adidam are associated with attention, and how this attachment to attention and all its objects is the avoidance of the fundamental realization of Reality Itself.

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The Grace of Suffering (CD)

His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da describes how sensitivity to one’s own suffering is the beginning of real ego-transcending practice.

Such sensitivity moves an individual out of the usual life of effort and search, into inspection of the nature of existence and availability to Him as Divine Guru.

Avatar Adi Da reveals the real nature of suffering—the action of ego—and draws the individual beyond egoic suffering into the True Source-Condition.

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The Grace of Trust (CD)

Do your perceptions, conceptions, and sensations actually provide an accurate picture of existence?

His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da leads us to inspect all the unconscious presumptions that determine our sense of what is “real”—including the core presumption of being a separate “self”. Notice the chronic disposition of mistrust and fear that accompanies this core illusion, He says—and allow your heart to trust What Is Real.

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The Grace of Turning to Me (CD)
Double-CD—over two hours long!

Carefully selected Discourses for this 2-CD set present Avatar Adi Da Giving potent Instruction in the foundation practice of the Way of Adidam—which is Ruchira Avatara Bhakti Yoga, or the moment to moment turning of the faculties of the body-mind to Him.

Excerpt from Track 1: By Moved by Heart-Recognition of Me

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The Grid Of Attention (CD)
The Structure Of Existence, Volume One>

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Guru, Faith, and Divine Communion -and- I Will Do Everything (CD)

In these two Discourses, Avatar Adi Da beautifully illuminates the nature of the relationship to the Spiritual Master, or Guru. This sacred relationship is the direct means by which the Divine Principle becomes operative in your life.

Enjoy this excerpt from Guru, Faith, and Divine Communion

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Happiness Is Prior to Pleasure and Need (CD)
In the two Talks on this CD, Adi Da Samraj describes the necessity for self-understanding in our search for pleasure and in our attachments—particularly in the domain of sexuality and intimate relations.

Excerpt from Happiness Is Prior To Pleasure or Need

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The Happiness That Transcends The World (CD)

In this unique compilation, His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da communicates His urgent Calling to all human beings: to recognize the inherent unity of humankind, and to accept cooperative responsibility for the world-circumstance on that basis. Avatar Adi Da further invites all to fully participate in the transformation of humankind by embracing a life of ego-transcending practice (sadhana)—in response to His direct Transmission of Love-Bliss-Happiness that Transcends the illusion of separateness.

Excerpt from Happiness That Transcends the World

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The Heaven-Born Gospel of the Ruchira Avatar (CD)

The essence of the Way of Adidam, Given by Avatar Adi Da Samraj on March 11, 1973. “Satsang”, or the transformative relationship between the Guru and devotee is, the fundamental “gospel” of all the great religious and Spiritual traditions. The Spiritual relationship to the “Heaven-Born” One is Avatar Adi Da's unique Offering to humankind.

Enjoy this Excerpt from Track 2

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Human History Is One Great Tradition (CD)
In response to a devotee's question about Zen Buddhism and Spiritual Transmission, Avatar Adi Da discusses how the various schools of religious and Spiritual expression fit within one "Great Tradition". A Discourse from October 19, 2004.

Excerpt from Track 5 "A Basic Education In The Great Tradition"

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I Am Your Unique Advantage (CD)
A remarkable collection of talks in which Avatar Adi Da Samraj describes how—by means of spontaneous heart-response to Him—His devotee is effortlessly drawn beyond the illusion and sufferings of presumed separateness, into the ecstasy of Divine Communion.

Play an excerpt from Track 1:

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Identification of The Beloved (CD)

Avatar Adi Da draws us into noticing the true nature of this world, in which we find the Beloved—the True Loved One—only in its passing forms. This leads to attachment to what is temporary, generating a constant cycle of reaction and seeking for a Happiness that will overcome death. Adi Da Admonishes everyone to find the True Beloved, in Its Eternal Form—our True Condition—if Happiness is to be truly found.

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The Impulse To God-Realization (CD)
A Selection of Talks from Avatar Adi Da Samraj      

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Klik-Klak: The Pattern Patterning / Persist in the In-Depth Process (2-CD set)
Two Talks by Ruchira Avatar
Adi Da Samraj

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The Knowledge of Light (CD)
The most intimate presumption, the real presumption—that all this is Light—should be sufficient to make your hair stand on end. Real Communion with Light, or True Baptism—founded on “self” understanding—produces ecstasy, profound transformation of the being, liberates you from all of your egoic psychology.

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
February 3, 1985

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Let Death Make You Serious About Life (CD)
A Discourse in which Avatar Adi Da responds to a devotee’s question about the nature of experience after death.

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The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj (Digital Download)
The Spoken Word of His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj
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The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj (CD)
A Selection of Talks Celebrating 30 years of Avatar Adi Da's Divine Teaching-Revelation, 1972 - 2002.

Excerpt from Track #1: Garabage and The Goddess

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The Location of Happiness (CD)

A Discourse from Avatar Adi Da on the Nature of True Happiness and how it can be Realized moment to moment—not through seeking but through whole bodily Communion with the One Who Is Happiness. Formerly titled "The Bodily Location of Happiness", this remastered audio recording matches the recent DVD release of this Discourse.

This Remastered CD Features:

  • Superior audio quality
  • 13 minutes longer play time

Excerpt from Track 2, “Understand Your Un-Happiness”

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The Master Is The Means (CD)

A collection of discourse excerpts from 2004 – 2006 in which Avatar Adi Da Samraj describes the spontaneous heart-response to the Realizer as the great, effective, and anciently known Means of Spiritual Awakening.

Track 9: Divine Realization Is a Gift

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Money, Food, and Sex/ Guru As Prophet (2-CD Set)
In these two early Discourses, Avatar Adi Da clarifies the Function of the True Guru, which is not to satisfy or relieve the seeker, but to frustrate all forms of the search for self-fulfillment—whether through money, food, sex, or even Spiritual practice. When this ego-frustrating process is engaged as Satsang, as relationship to the Guru, then Present Realization of the Divine can be Awakened—and only then can the real Spiritual process begin.

Listen to clip from “Money, Food, and Sex”

Listen to clip from “Guru As Prophet”

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Myths, Realizers, and Divine Revelation (CD)
Double CD—over two hours long!

On November 25, 2004, a devotee of Adi Da Samraj asks Him: “What is the relationship of ancient Realizers to the traditions that they were associated with?”

Avatar Adi Da responds by illustrating the process of myth-making around Realizers, both in ancient and modern times. He explains that, regardless of what is historically true of any Realizer, any tradition can be understood in terms of the underlying structure of the human being. Throughout the Discourse, Adi Da makes use of examples from numerous traditions including Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and the Christian tradition.

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Nothing Is As It Appears / Reality Is Paradox (2-CD set)
Two Discourses by Avatar Adi Da, about the body-mind mechanism and the ultimate dimensions of Reality, entitled "Nothing Is As It Appears" and "Reality Is Paradox"
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The Primal Space (CD)
A Talk Given by The Avataric Great Sage, Adi Da Samraj

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The Primary Sensation / The Law of Love-Bliss (2-CD set)
Avatar Adi Da’s first Talk in this set examines the difference between the peripheral reactions of the seeking body-mind and the core understanding of the motivating sensation of the self-contraction itself.
The second Talk is an exposition of the fundamental principle of non-seeking in the Way of Adidam and the “darkness” of the materialistic point of view.

Play the audio Play a 6:42 minute audio clip from Talk Two

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The Quest for the Historical Self (CD)
In this Discourse, Adi Da Samraj proposes that all human lifetimes are a “quest for the historical self”. He describes how this search is based on the activity of “self”-contraction—the erroneous presumption of an actual, defined, knowable “self”.

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Reality Is Beyond "Point of View" (CD)
A selection of Talks by Avatar Adi Da Samraj on the true nature of Reality. Includes Discourses from throughout the 30 years of Avatar Adi Da’s formal Teaching-Work brings together samples from His vast Divine Instruction relative to the true nature of Reality—as the unknowable Condition that is Always Already the Case, prior to the presumption of a separate “point of view”.

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Reality Is Conscious Light / Transcend the Camera of the Body-Mind (2-CD set)
A Talk by Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj

In this conversation with a small gathering of devotees on December 23, 1998, Avatar Adi Da’s consideration of Reality and Conscious Light developed into an outpouring of His Divine Self-Confession.
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Real self-Understanding Is Right Now (CD)

In this discourse Avatar Adi Da calls all those inclined to Realize True Freedom to first recognize the failure of their search—which is based on the illusion of separation. Rather than engaging the ordinary pursuit of union with all others and things from which we feel separate, Avatar Adi Da says we must find out that our inherent Condition is one of Perfect Non-separation. 

Excerpt from Track #1: Seeking Is The Pursuit of Union

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Reality Is Not What You Think (CD)
A Talk by Avatar Adi Da Samraj
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The Reality-Teachings of the Advaitic Sages (CD)
3-CD set—over three hours long!

In this extraordinary occasion recorded on January 6, 2006 at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in California, Adi Da Samraj recites His own renderings of the Advaitic texts Maneesha Panchakam, Dasasloki, and the Devikalottara. It is a delight to hear Him bring the essence of these ancient texts to life, and feel how He completely and utterly combined Himself with the tradition of the Advaitic Sages.

These are among the greatest texts ever made. . . .
. . . [What] comes through these renderings I have made is what is purely in those texts, and purely in the traditions from which those texts come.

          —His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Excerpt is from “Reality (Itself) Is All The God There Is”, Discourse from Disc 3, Track 4

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The Reality-Teachings of the Buddhist Sages (CD)
3-CD set—over three hours long!
On a rainy afternoon at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in 2006, Avatar Adi Da Samraj Gave what would be His final Discourse in this form (with questions and answers) to His devotees, for the sake of all. He began the occasion with exquisite recitations of His Renderings of key statements from the Buddhist Sages Gotama Sakyamuni (known as “the Buddha”) and Nagarjuna.

Play a 7:08 minute clip from the Discourse

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Remember About Being Happy (CD)
Avatar Adi Da gives humorous and loving answers to questions from children and speaks of the freedom and the responsibility that parents and guides must grant to children for the sake of their “growth and out-growing”.
Listen to this CD for the chance to hear Adi Da recite “A Child’s Guide to Happiness” from His Happenine Book—recorded in 2006, and published for this first time on this CD.

Clip from “Remember The Mystery In Which You Live”

An audio celebration for kids of all ages!

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Renouncing The Search For The Edible Deity (CD)

A remarkable Discourse by Avatar Adi Da Samraj on how the shock of (apparently) independent existence initiates the false search for the “edible deity”—or for “food” that is perfectly sustaining.

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The Revelation Of Ruchiradam (2-CD set)
Recited and Spoken by Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj on April 20, 2001

Excerpt from Track 1 and Track 2

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The Ribhu Gita (CD)
Double-CD—over two hours long!
A not-to-be-missed CD because it brings you in contact with Adi Da Samraj's extraordinary understanding of traditional teaching literature, as well as with His Humor and unending patience to explicate the meaning of The Ribhu Gita in modern-day language.

    Play Track One from the CD (10:44 minutes)

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Science and the Myth of Materialism (CD)
A Selection of Talks from the Wisdom-Teaching of Ruchira Avatar
Adi Da Samraj
[compact disc].

Excerpt from Track 1 The World Is Conscious

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Science Is A Method, Not A Philosophy (CD)
Double-CD! (Over two hours long)
With great humor and penetrating insight, Avatar Adi Da unravels present-day scientific presumptions.

On pet cloning and a Divine Ignorance consideration.

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The Secret of Experience (CD)
What kind of experiences might you notice arising in the course of esoteric practice or via Spiritual Transmission? What is the secret to relating to them rightly?

Avatar Adi Da Samraj addresses questions on this topic in two revelatory 2004 Discourses: On December 5, when asked by a devotee about a particular experience, Avatar Adi Da contrasts the self-authenticating nature of the experience with the attitude of having a question about the experience.

And on August 13, Adi Da speaks about the potential of blissful experience to create unrealistic presumptions about the self and about real practice.

Listen to a 6:41 minute sample clip

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Sex, Laughter, and Real-God-Realization (CD)
Avatar Adi Da first addresses the illusory presumptions of the “Creator God” and the separate “self” (or “ego”). Neither the Divine nor the ego is the “generator” of anything, He Says—everything is simply arising in and as the Divine Condition. (Continued . . .)

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The Spiritual Gospel of Saint Jesus of Galilee (CD)
Double-CD—over two hours long!
On May 28, 2006, Avatar Adi Da offered this unique and beautiful rendering of the moral and Spiritual teachings of Jesus of Galilee. In this recording, you will hear testament to Jesus’s authenticity as a great Realizer, in continuity with the ancient esoteric tradition of Spiritual Transmission-Masters.
Now you can listen to Adi Da's recitation and be drawn beyond thinking, interpreting, and speculation into the heart of Jesus’s esoteric instruction and Spiritual Transmission.

Listen to a 4:42 minute excerpt:
Avatar Adi Da's rendering from Matthew 5:1 – 5:10, “The Sermon on the Mount”

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Surrender Without Limitation (CD)
In this beautiful and intimate Discourse, Avatar Adi Da speaks with a man who suffers from claustrophobia. Avatar Adi Da points to the self-generated cause of such terrifying experiences, describing them as symptoms of feeling-contraction from the Field of Divine Existence.

He calls this man—and all who are sensitive to suffering and anxiety—to find the Bliss of Divine Existence in His Company, and to intensively practice feeling beyond all emotional limits on living in That Bliss.

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The Teaching Manual of Perfect Summaries (2-CD)
The three essential dimensions of life-practice in the Reality-Way of Adidam are "radical" devotion, right life, and "Perfect Knowledge". And Avatar Adi Da’s core Instruction in the preliminary practice of "Perfect Knowledge" is given in “The Teaching Manual of Perfect Summaries”.

This double-CD set is principally designed to support the formal practice of listening to Avatar Adi Da’s “Perfect Knowledge” Teachings. It includes both recitation and chanting of the Text—with versions that allow one to simply listen to either form, or to participate in the chanted form.

From Track 1. The Five Reality-Teachings

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The Teaching Manual of Perfect Summaries (CD)
The Revelation of The Preliminary “Perfect Knowledge” Teachings of Avatar Adi Da Samraj

From Track 1. The Five Reality-Teachings

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Tend the Sacred Fire of Guru-Devotion (CD)

Conditional existence is a great sacrifice, and you must become a participant in it. But you must accept it to begin with. You must allow your confinement to it—through “self”-discipline, through True Yoga . . . —such that you become universally sensitized, Divinely sensitized, and go Beyond.
—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
JANUARY 15 , 1994

Listen to an excerpt from track 4: “You Are Always At The Fire”.

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The Third Fundamental: Disciplining Attention and Energy (CD)
A Selection of Spoken Excerpts from the Wisdom-Teaching of Avatar
Adi Da Samraj
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Transcend the Self-Knot of Fear (CD)
When a questioner asks about the fearfulness he feels “locked” in his body, Avatar Adi Da Samraj responds that the root of fear is the same as the root of all suffering: the “self-contraction”, or the activity of identification with a separate and mortal body.

Excerpt from Transcend the Self-Knot of Fear

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True Prayer Is A Process of Ecstasy (CD)

vatar Adi Da describes two dimensions of truly effective prayer: ecstasy and responsibility. If you surrender into the Living Divine Reality through ecstasy—and responsibly purify and balance body, emotion, mind, and breath—then you will inevitably participate in the positive transformation of personal and collective existence.

If you enter into True Prayer, . . . things will work to the good. Not because God likes people who do this sort of thing and rewards them—but because of the Law, because of the Nature of the Divine, because of the Condition of this phenomenon of human existence. It is a psycho-physical phenomenon, therefore it is responsive to psycho-physical changes. . . .

Of course, this is not an end in itself. It is simply an extension of the life of God- Communion—which is “self”-transcending and, ultimately, transcends the “world” altogether.

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
OCTOBER 4, 1980

Excerpt from Track 1:
Why Does Prayer Work?

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Truth Is The Only Profound (CD)
Recitations from Adi Da’s Wisdom-Teaching (appropriate for all ages) blended with Ray Lynch’s meditative music.

A young devotee recites from What To Remember To Be Happy

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The Ultimate Outshining of Death (CD)
Discourse excerpts from 2004 in which Adi Da Samraj describes the inconsolable wound that is inherent in the mortal condition.

Excerpt from The Ultimate Outshining of Death

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Understanding (CD)
A Talk by Ruchira Avatar
Adi Da Samraj

On the first night of His Teaching-Work (April 25, 1972), Avatar Adi Da Gave this presentation of His “radical” argument relative to the activity of separation that is the root of all suffering and dilemma. When that activity is “understood”, then the Real Divine Condition can be felt and Enjoyed.

Listen to an excerpt from Track 1:

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The Way Beyond Ego (CD)
A summary communication of the practice and Grace essential to the real process of Divine Liberation—Discourses by Avatar Adi Da given in October 2004 and April 2005.

audio    Play an 8:50 minute excerpt from Track 3

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The Way That Begins With Realization (CD)

What makes Avatar Adi Da’s seventh stage Revelation utterly unique?

To find out, listen to this CD set and learn about Adi Da’s singular seventh stage Way as He describes It directly and in the context of other genuine esoteric traditions. These Discourse excerpts are an incredible resource for understanding Adi Da’s seventh stage Way with the guidance of His “map” of the six stages of life, which correlates to the structures of the human being.

Listen to a 7:30 minute sample clip

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What Is Your Intention? (CD)

Avatar Adi Da describes the three options of human destiny: you can reinforce your present existence in gross (physical) form, you can go beyond gross existence into subtler dimensions of existence—or you can transcend conditional existence altogether, in the Great Process of seventh stage Divine Self-Realization.

• First time on CD! (Originally issued as an audio cassette)
• Digitally remastered for improved sound quality

Listen to a 3:22 minute sample clip

Price: $9.95
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What, Where, When, How, Why and Who To Remember To Be Happy (CD)
In this magical and enlightening CD—narrated by Kenneth Welsh, award-winning stage, film, and television actor—Avatar Adi Da reveals the source and the secret of unconditional Happiness

(Listen to a 3½ minute excerpt from a narration of the book)

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You Can't Get There From Here (CD)
The famous punch line “You can’t get there from here” is Avatar Adi Da’s starting point for this engaging discourse. He uses the humorous paradox to perfectly crystallize the condition of all who are caught in the trap of seeking.

“The ‘self’ can’t get to God” Adi Da clarifies, because the act that generates the sense of “self” is the act of recoil from the Divine. Life is rightly lived not by concentrating on “fixing” this recoil but as the feeling-embrace of the requirements and conditions of existence. And Avatar Adi Da offers the Way “out” of the trap of “self”-and-“other”: Locate the supreme attractiveness of His Radiant Divine State, and “self” is dissolved in “Brightness”.

• Digitally remastered for improved sound quality

Listen to Track 1: The self Can’t Get to God

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Your Real Condition Is Prior To Waking, Dreaming, and Sleeping (CD)
In spiritual practice, what is the real significance of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep?

Listen to this CD for Avatar Adi Da’s Teaching on how to understand these states.
Two Discourses in one!

From August 26, 2004, Avatar Adi Da Samraj Responds to a questioner who asks how she can practice devotion in her dream state

From September 4, 2004, Avatar Adi Da Speaks to another questioner about her mother’s suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and the transcending of attention in maturing spiritual practice

Price: $9.95
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