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Guru-Devotee relationship

Adi Da's Wisdom on the Guru-devotee relationship

At the Feet of the Spiritual Master
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      The Dawn Horse Press is happy to be able to offer this collection of Leelas (sacred stories) about one devotee’s experience in the Company of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, witnessed and recorded between 1972 and 2016.
Gerald’s book is full of Avatar Adi Da’s Gifts of Love, Humor, lessons in self-understanding, and the constant Revelation of Divine Reality.

• Offers unique insight into how Avatar Adi Da Blessed and Worked with His devotees and all beings
• Engaging storytelling across 114 Leelas
• Illustrated with 29 rare photographs dating back to 1971

From Chapter 3, Painting the Trellis
“I almost left numerous times. But something kept me in place, continuing to paint. . . . The ordeal was finally over, the job was finally done. With the very last stroke of the paint brush, I gave out a deep sigh of relief. Immediately, from the other side of the wall, Franklin burst out laughing. . . .
Continued »

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Myths, Realizers, and Divine Revelation (CD)
Double CD—over two hours long!

On November 25, 2004, a devotee of Adi Da Samraj asks Him: “What is the relationship of ancient Realizers to the traditions that they were associated with?”

Avatar Adi Da responds by illustrating the process of myth-making around Realizers, both in ancient and modern times. He explains that, regardless of what is historically true of any Realizer, any tradition can be understood in terms of the underlying structure of the human being. Throughout the Discourse, Adi Da makes use of examples from numerous traditions including Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and the Christian tradition.

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The Nine Great Laws of Radical Devotion To Me

I have Given you the Nine Great Laws as a simple Means to understand how to function rightly in My Divine Avataric Company. My “Nine-Great-Laws” Instruction is a way of conveying—through that simple “diagrammatic” form—essentials that are universal to the whole matter of rightness with Me, the whole matter of Adidam altogether.
—His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj

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The Sacred Space of Finding Me
“Only a sacred culture gives human beings the potential to live a life ecstatically dedicated to existence in Truth. The Divine Instructions in this book are the means Given by His Holy Person, Da, to exist in the domain of sacred culture. They are the means that enable His devotees to find Him as the Divine Eternal Source of Reality Itself and to participate in the Sacred Space of That Reality.”
—from the introduction by Ruchiradama Quandra Sukhapur, senior renunciate devotee

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The Ancient Walk-About Way
The Core Esoteric Process of Real Spirituality and Its Perfect Fulfillment in the Way of Adidam

Available as an eBook:
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The Knee Of Listening

Avatar Adi Da's Spiritual Autobiography has transformed the lives of thousands of secular and religious seekers since it was first published in 1972. The Knee Of Listening tells the miraculous story of His unique Incarnation and Revelation in the West for the sake of Liberating all beings.

eBook Version:

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Ruchira Avatara Gita (The Avataric Way Of The Divine Heart-Master)
Book Two from The Heart Of The Adidam Revelation
The "Late-Time" Avataric Revelation Of The Great Secret Of The Divinely Self-Revealed Way That Most Perfectly Realizes The True and Spiritual Divine Person (The egoless Personal Presence Of Reality and Truth, Which Is The Only Real God)

By Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj

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My "Bright" Word

A new edition of the collection of classic Spiritual Discourses originally published as The Method of the Siddhas.

Discourses from The Divine Siddha-Method Of The Ruchira Avatar—The Divine Way Of Adidam Is An ego-Transcending Relationship, Not An ego-Centric Technique

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The Perfect Tradition

The Wisdom-Way of the Ancient Sages and Its Fulfillment in the Way of “Perfect Knowledge”

Avatar Adi Da Reveals His unique Gifts of the "Bright" and the "Thumbs" and elucidates all the traditions of religion and Spirituality through His schema of the seven stages of life.

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The Teaching Manual of Perfect Summaries (CD)
The Revelation of The Preliminary “Perfect Knowledge” Teachings of Avatar Adi Da Samraj

From Track 1. The Five Reality-Teachings

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The Heaven-Born Gospel of the Ruchira Avatar (CD)

The essence of the Way of Adidam, Given by Avatar Adi Da Samraj on March 11, 1973. “Satsang”, or the transformative relationship between the Guru and devotee is, the fundamental “gospel” of all the great religious and Spiritual traditions. The Spiritual relationship to the “Heaven-Born” One is Avatar Adi Da's unique Offering to humankind.

Enjoy this Excerpt from Track 2

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The Primal Space (CD)
A Talk Given by The Avataric Great Sage, Adi Da Samraj

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Beyond the Cultic Tendency in Religion and Spirituality, and in Secular Society
“Truth For Real” Series, Number 4
Price: $0.90
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The Great Esoteric Tradition of Devotion to the Adept-Realizer
“Truth For Real” Series, Number 5
Price: $0.90
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