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Religious and Spiritual Traditions

Adi Da's Wisdom on religious and spiritual traditions

God Is Not in Charge (CD)
Have you ever pondered:
• Is God a Being, or the Being, taking care of everyone?
• If there is a God, then why isn’t God obviously just in charge?
• Why do individuals who don’t believe in God very often seem to have a relatively enjoyable life, and believers just as frequently suffer?
• If God is a Parent-Force, then why doesn’t the commitment to God bring into your life evidence that you are being protected and sustained?

Listen to a 2:20 minute sample clip

Price: $9.95
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Myths, Realizers, and Divine Revelation (CD)
Double CD—over two hours long!

On November 25, 2004, a devotee of Adi Da Samraj asks Him: “What is the relationship of ancient Realizers to the traditions that they were associated with?”

Avatar Adi Da responds by illustrating the process of myth-making around Realizers, both in ancient and modern times. He explains that, regardless of what is historically true of any Realizer, any tradition can be understood in terms of the underlying structure of the human being. Throughout the Discourse, Adi Da makes use of examples from numerous traditions including Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and the Christian tradition.

Price: $14.95
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The Spiritual Gospel of Saint Jesus of Galilee (CD)
Double-CD—over two hours long!
On May 28, 2006, Avatar Adi Da offered this unique and beautiful rendering of the moral and Spiritual teachings of Jesus of Galilee. In this recording, you will hear testament to Jesus’s authenticity as a great Realizer, in continuity with the ancient esoteric tradition of Spiritual Transmission-Masters.
Now you can listen to Adi Da's recitation and be drawn beyond thinking, interpreting, and speculation into the heart of Jesus’s esoteric instruction and Spiritual Transmission.

Listen to a 4:42 minute excerpt:
Avatar Adi Da's rendering from Matthew 5:1 – 5:10, “The Sermon on the Mount”

Price: $14.95
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The Reality-Teachings of the Buddhist Sages (CD)
3-CD set—over three hours long!
On a rainy afternoon at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in 2006, Avatar Adi Da Samraj Gave what would be His final Discourse in this form (with questions and answers) to His devotees, for the sake of all. He began the occasion with exquisite recitations of His Renderings of key statements from the Buddhist Sages Gotama Sakyamuni (known as “the Buddha”) and Nagarjuna.

Play a 7:08 minute clip from the Discourse

Price: $19.95
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The Reality-Teachings of the Advaitic Sages (CD)
3-CD set—over three hours long!

In this extraordinary occasion recorded on January 6, 2006 at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in California, Adi Da Samraj recites His own renderings of the Advaitic texts Maneesha Panchakam, Dasasloki, and the Devikalottara. It is a delight to hear Him bring the essence of these ancient texts to life, and feel how He completely and utterly combined Himself with the tradition of the Advaitic Sages.

These are among the greatest texts ever made. . . .
. . . [What] comes through these renderings I have made is what is purely in those texts, and purely in the traditions from which those texts come.

          —His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Excerpt is from “Reality (Itself) Is All The God There Is”, Discourse from Disc 3, Track 4

Price: $19.95
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The Pneumaton (Softcover Edition)
Avatar Adi Da's in-depth examination of the devotional and Spiritual traditions of humankind (particularly as seen in Christianity and Hinduism) and the Transcendental Spiritual Reality-Way of Adidam. To read The Pneumaton is to enter a vast and multi-faceted field of paradigm-change and Truth-Revelation.

eBook Version:

Price: $75.00
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The Gnosticon (softcover)

Avatar Adi Da Samraj examines the Great Tradition of humankind, illumines its hidden treasures, and Reveals the Perfect Tradition that resolves the search for wisdom.

This book was conceived by Adi Da Samraj at the end of 2005. He was first moved to make His own rendering, or “interpretive translation”, of a traditional Advaitic text, The Heart of the Ribhu Gita—in order to elucidate (and thereby honor) its full meaning.

eBook Version:

Price: $75.00
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The Ancient Walk-About Way
The Core Esoteric Process of Real Spirituality and Its Perfect Fulfillment in the Way of Adidam

For eBook Versions, click on logo:

On Sale! • Regularly: $12.95
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Price: $9.07
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Religion and Reality

Avatar Adi Da’s lucid description of the true relationship between religion and reality.

Price: $9.95
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The Knee Of Listening

Avatar Adi Da's Spiritual Autobiography has transformed the lives of thousands of secular and religious seekers since it was first published in 1972. The Knee Of Listening tells the miraculous story of His unique Incarnation and Revelation in the West for the sake of Liberating all beings.

eBook Version:

Price: $24.95
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The Danavira Mela Book (Hardcover)
By Naamleela Free Jones

Light means something holy, something Divine. . . . Light is fundamental in human experience and aspiration and meaning. Because of this, it is suitable to be associated with a universal celebration every year.
                      —Avatar Adi Da Samraj

To read a beautifully illustrated book-excerpt article, which includes Naamleela’s introduction, please click here.
Price: $54.00
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The Truly Human New World-Culture Of Unbroken Real-God-Man
The Eastern Versus The Western Traditional Cultures Of Mankind, and The Unique New Non-Dual Culture Of The True World-Religion Of Adidam

By Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Price: $21.95
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Ruchira Avatara Hridaya-Siddha Yoga
The Divine (and Not Merely Cosmic) Spiritual Baptism in The Divine Way Of Adidam

By Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Price: $21.95
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Beyond the Cultic Tendency in Religion and Spirituality, and in Secular Society
“Truth For Real” Series, Number 4
Price: $0.90
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The Great Esoteric Tradition of Devotion to the Adept-Realizer
“Truth For Real” Series, Number 5
Price: $0.90
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The Alpha Strategy and the Omega Strategy
“Truth For Real” Series, Number 11

Price: $0.90
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The Real Intention and True Message of "Creation" Myths
The Basket Of Tolerance Series, Number 3

Price: $0.90
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The Stigmata (and Religious Phenomena in General)
The Stigmata (and Religious Phenomena in General) Are a Tradition-Inspired Product of Human Psycho-Physical Participation in the Unity and Ultimate Divinity of Reality, and Not a "Miracle" or "Proof" of an "Outside" God
Price: $0.90
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The Lesser and Greater Traditions Associated with The Kundalini Shakti
The Basket Of Tolerance Booklet Series, Number 5
Price: $0.90
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To Realize Nirvana Is to Realize the True "Self"
To Realize Nirvana Is to Realize the True "Self": Buddhist Realism and Its (Ultimately) Inherent Sympathy with Advaitic "Idealism"
Price: $0.90
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The Effort to De-Mythologize Christianity
Price: $0.90
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What Is Required to Realize the Non-Dual Truth?
What Is Required to Realize the Non-Dual Truth? The Controversy Between the "Talking" School and the "Practicing" School of Advaitism
Price: $0.90
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The Shroud of Turin and the Cult of Relics
Price: $0.90
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The Revolutionary (and Yet Conventional) Effort of Classical Buddhism
"Mind Dharma" in Buddhism

Two Essays on Buddhism from The Basket Of Tolerance
Price: $0.90
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