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These six Talks by Avatar Adi Da Samraj are available as Digital Downloads only, click on the Amazon or Apple links on each product page to download Discourses there:

Love Is How I Got to Here

by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

In this talk, Avatar Adi Da describes how the preparatory stages of practice in the Way of Adidam are associated with attention, and how this attachment to attention and all its objects is the avoidance of the fundamental realization of Reality Itself.

Transcend the Camera of the Body-Mind

by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

In this talk Avatar Adi Da uses the metaphor of a camera for the human body-mind. The self-presumption is a mechanism like the lens and shutter of the camera, but what exists in truth is only Light—unattenuated by the ego-mechanism.

The God Who Truly Is

by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

In this talk, Avatar Adi Da describes the Way as the utter transcending of fear. He speaks about finding True God as Source rather than “Creator”, and considers the mechanism that is actually responsible for generating the conditional universe. Adi Da ends this discourse with spontaneous and ecstatic poetry, picturing the sublime peace that is realized in his sphere of Love-Bliss.

Reality Is Conscious Light

by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

In this conversation with a small gathering of devotees on December 23, 1998, Avatar Adi Da’s consideration of Reality and Conscious Light developed into an outpouring of His Divine Self-Confession.

The Realization of “Now”

by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

A consideration by Adi Da Samraj on why the mechanism of perception is incapable of yielding an experience of the true “present”—and a calling to deep contemplation of That which is always already the case.

You Are Only Consciousness Itself

by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

In this talk, Avatar Adi Da offers His unique revelation of the fundamental reality of existence—that no matter what arises (or does not arise) there is only Consciousness Itself.

The following talks by Adi Da Samraj are available as both CDs & digital downloads.

For CD purchase, click on the "Add to Cart" button. To access the purchase links for the digital downloads, click on "More product details" and look for the Amazon and Apple Music icons at the bottom of the page.

Awaken To Brightness (CD)
A selection of Discourses from 1974 to 1997, which cover a broad spectrum of Avatar Adi Da’s Instruction. They provide a basic introduction to His Wisdom-Teaching and include Adi Da addressing principle matters of Spiritual life.
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The Master Is The Means (CD)

A collection of discourse excerpts from 2004 – 2006 in which Avatar Adi Da Samraj describes the spontaneous heart-response to the Realizer as the great, effective, and anciently known Means of Spiritual Awakening.

Track 9: Divine Realization Is a Gift

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The Happiness That Transcends The World (CD)

In this unique compilation, His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da communicates His urgent Calling to all human beings: to recognize the inherent unity of humankind, and to accept cooperative responsibility for the world-circumstance on that basis. Avatar Adi Da further invites all to fully participate in the transformation of humankind by embracing a life of ego-transcending practice (sadhana)—in response to His direct Transmission of Love-Bliss-Happiness that Transcends the illusion of separateness.

Excerpt from Happiness That Transcends the World

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The Gift of Ripening (CD)
            Do you recognize all experience as inherently unsatisfactory?
      How “ripe” are you for the process of Divine Self-Realization?
How can you tell if you are truly ready or not?
        By listening to this Discourse, you will receive Avatar Adi Da’s Guidance in understanding your level of ripeness. And such a realistic (rather than idealistic) assessment is an essential element in preparing for the process of Realizing True Happiness He Offers—the process of the “transcending of all conditionality in the Self-Radiant Conscious Light that is the ‘Bright’”.

Play a 3:25 minute clip
Price: $9.95
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The Fire Must Have Its Way (CD)

His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da clarifies that real Spiritual practice is not about “feeling good”, but an intense purification of all limits on feeling.

This fire of purification occurs by coming into contact with the Pure Radiance of the Spiritual Master. By persistently granting feeling-attention to Avatar Adi Da’s Living Divine Presence, all ego-patterns are “burned up” by His Grace—ultimately enabling egoless participation in the Perfect Ecstasy of Real God.

Play a 4:46 minute clip

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The Grace of Trust (CD)

Do your perceptions, conceptions, and sensations actually provide an accurate picture of existence?

His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da leads us to inspect all the unconscious presumptions that determine our sense of what is “real”—including the core presumption of being a separate “self”. Notice the chronic disposition of mistrust and fear that accompanies this core illusion, He says—and allow your heart to trust What Is Real.

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Identification of The Beloved (CD)

Avatar Adi Da draws us into noticing the true nature of this world, in which we find the Beloved—the True Loved One—only in its passing forms. This leads to attachment to what is temporary, generating a constant cycle of reaction and seeking for a Happiness that will overcome death. Adi Da Admonishes everyone to find the True Beloved, in Its Eternal Form—our True Condition—if Happiness is to be truly found.

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The Liberating Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj (Digital Download)
The Spoken Word of His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Price: $9.95
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After My Lifetime
Double-CD—over two hours long!
An exceptional collection of Avatar Adi Da’s Instruction covering the significance of His Divine Mahasamadhi (bodily passing), the ever-present Gift of the direct relationship to Him, and the never-ending Nature of His Work to Bless and Awaken all beings.

Excerpt from Track #1: The Reason For My Birth

Price: $14.95
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The Asana of Science (CD)
In this recording from 1980, Avatar Adi Da Samraj speaks about the false presumptions upon which the conventional scientific point of view is based.

Excerpt from Track 1

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The Bridge to God (CD)
On October 26, 1980, a shaman from Mexico visited the Mountain Of Attention, Avatar Adi Da Samraj’s Northern California sanctuary. The following day, Avatar Adi Da considered with His devotees the inherently magical nature of the world and our psychic relationship to it.

He describes the difference between the left-brained, scientific, control-oriented way of relating to the world, and the magical, psychic, or shamanistic point of view, in which the elements of the non-human world are related to in a participatory manner.

Digitally download from Apple Music here

Digitally download from Amazon Music here

Price: $9.95
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The Impulse To God-Realization (CD)
A Selection of Talks from Avatar Adi Da Samraj      

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The Ribhu Gita (CD)
Double-CD—over two hours long!
A not-to-be-missed CD because it brings you in contact with Adi Da Samraj's extraordinary understanding of traditional teaching literature, as well as with His Humor and unending patience to explicate the meaning of The Ribhu Gita in modern-day language.

    Play Track One from the CD (10:44 minutes)

Price: $14.95
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The Reality-Teachings of the Advaitic Sages (CD)
3-CD set—over three hours long!

In this extraordinary occasion recorded on January 6, 2006 at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in California, Adi Da Samraj recites His own renderings of the Advaitic texts Maneesha Panchakam, Dasasloki, and the Devikalottara. It is a delight to hear Him bring the essence of these ancient texts to life, and feel how He completely and utterly combined Himself with the tradition of the Advaitic Sages.

These are among the greatest texts ever made. . . .
. . . [What] comes through these renderings I have made is what is purely in those texts, and purely in the traditions from which those texts come.

          —His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Excerpt is from “Reality (Itself) Is All The God There Is”, Discourse from Disc 3, Track 4

Price: $19.95
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The Reality-Teachings of the Buddhist Sages (CD)
3-CD set—over three hours long!
On a rainy afternoon at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in 2006, Avatar Adi Da Samraj Gave what would be His final Discourse in this form (with questions and answers) to His devotees, for the sake of all. He began the occasion with exquisite recitations of His Renderings of key statements from the Buddhist Sages Gotama Sakyamuni (known as “the Buddha”) and Nagarjuna.

Play a 7:08 minute clip from the Discourse

Price: $19.95
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Money, Food, and Sex (Digital Download)

Avatar Adi Da explains the necessity for practical disciplines and clarifies the function they serve in the practice of the Way of Adidam. He examines the false presumption that Spiritual life is about separation from vital and physical life, and contrasts this point of view with His own “radically” Free orientation that is uncompromised by the requirements of human life.

Price: $11.95
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Surrender Without Limitation (CD)
In this beautiful and intimate Discourse, Avatar Adi Da speaks with a man who suffers from claustrophobia. Avatar Adi Da points to the self-generated cause of such terrifying experiences, describing them as symptoms of feeling-contraction from the Field of Divine Existence.

He calls this man—and all who are sensitive to suffering and anxiety—to find the Bliss of Divine Existence in His Company, and to intensively practice feeling beyond all emotional limits on living in That Bliss.

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The Cosmic Mandala (CD)
A Discourse from 1982 in which Avatar Adi Da describes the Cosmic Mandala and how it is experienced and “seen” in the death process.
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The Grace of Suffering (CD)

His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da describes how sensitivity to one’s own suffering is the beginning of real ego-transcending practice.

Such sensitivity moves an individual out of the usual life of effort and search, into inspection of the nature of existence and availability to Him as Divine Guru.

Avatar Adi Da reveals the real nature of suffering—the action of ego—and draws the individual beyond egoic suffering into the True Source-Condition.

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Death and the Purpose of Existence (CD)

A collection of Talks and Recitations that exemplify Avatar Adi Da’s essential Reality-Teaching on death. Includes a range of excerpts, taken from throughout the 30 years of Avatar Adi Da’s formal Teaching-Work.

Track #4: Death, Meditation, and Spiritual Life:

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Beyond Sex, Science, and "self" (CD)

Avatar Adi Da Samraj Reveals that Liberation cannot ever be achieved through sex, science, or religion! And He makes the astounding assertion, “Realization has nothing to do with the body-mind.”

Listen to this CD for Adi Da's Instruction on True Freedom, which He says is discovered only in the utter transcending of “point of view”, by means of the Transmission of Reality Itself.

Also available as a digital download (see more product details).

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Sex, Laughter, and Real-God-Realization (CD)
Avatar Adi Da first addresses the illusory presumptions of the “Creator God” and the separate “self” (or “ego”). Neither the Divine nor the ego is the “generator” of anything, He Says—everything is simply arising in and as the Divine Condition. (Continued . . .)

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Human History Is One Great Tradition (CD)
In response to a devotee's question about Zen Buddhism and Spiritual Transmission, Avatar Adi Da discusses how the various schools of religious and Spiritual expression fit within one "Great Tradition". A Discourse from October 19, 2004.

Excerpt from Track 5 "A Basic Education In The Great Tradition"

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Your Real Condition Is Prior To Waking, Dreaming, and Sleeping (CD)
In spiritual practice, what is the real significance of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep?

Listen to this CD for Avatar Adi Da’s Teaching on how to understand these states.
Two Discourses in one!

From August 26, 2004, Avatar Adi Da Samraj Responds to a questioner who asks how she can practice devotion in her dream state

From September 4, 2004, Avatar Adi Da Speaks to another questioner about her mother’s suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and the transcending of attention in maturing spiritual practice

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Remember About Being Happy (CD)
Avatar Adi Da gives humorous and loving answers to questions from children and speaks of the freedom and the responsibility that parents and guides must grant to children for the sake of their “growth and out-growing”.
Listen to this CD for the first chance to hear Adi Da Recite A Child’s Guide To Happiness from His The Happenine Book (recorded in 2006, but never-before published).

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Clip from “Remember The Mystery In Which You Live”

An audio celebration for kids of all ages!

Price: $6.97
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The Avon Lady (Digital Download)
In this humorous and penetrating discourse from the early years of his teaching work, Avatar Adi Da offers basic instruction about the nature of seeking, and how Satsang (the company of the Guru) undermines the search and all sense of dilemma.
Price: $0.00
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Walking the Dog (Digital Download)
In this humorous and penetrating discourse from the early years of his teaching work, Avatar Adi Da offers basic instruction about the nature of seeking, and how Satsang (the company of the Guru) undermines the search and all sense of dilemma.
Price: $0.00
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God Is Not in Charge (CD)
Have you ever pondered:
• Is God a Being, or the Being, taking care of everyone?
• If there is a God, then why isn’t God obviously just in charge?
• Why do individuals who don’t believe in God very often seem to have a relatively enjoyable life, and believers just as frequently suffer?
• If God is a Parent-Force, then why doesn’t the commitment to God bring into your life evidence that you are being protected and sustained?

Listen to a 2:20 minute sample clip

Price: $9.95
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