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Understanding the ego

Adi Da's Wisdom on understanding the ego

My "Bright" Word

A new edition of the collection of classic Spiritual Discourses originally published as The Method of the Siddhas.

Discourses from The Divine Siddha-Method Of The Ruchira Avatar—The Divine Way Of Adidam Is An ego-Transcending Relationship, Not An ego-Centric Technique

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Da Love-Ananda Gita (The Free Avataric Gift Of The Divine Love-Bliss)
Book Three from The Heart Of The Adidam Revelation
The "Late-Time" Avataric Revelation Of The Great Means To Worship And To Realize The True And Spiritual Divine Person (The egoless Personal Presence Of Reality and Truth, Which Is The Only Real God)

By Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj

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Eleutherios (The Only Truth That Sets The Heart Free)
Book Five from The Heart Of The Adidam Revelation
The "Late-Time" Avataric Revelation Of The "Perfect Practice" Of The Great Means To Worship and To Realize The True and Spiritual Divine Person (The egoless Personal Presence Of Reality and Truth, Which Is The Only Real God)

By Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj

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The Knee Of Listening

Avatar Adi Da's Spiritual Autobiography has transformed the lives of thousands of secular and religious seekers since it was first published in 1972. The Knee Of Listening tells the miraculous story of His unique Incarnation and Revelation in the West for the sake of Liberating all beings.

eBook Version:

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Santosha Adidam
An extended overview of the entire course of the Way of Adidam, based on the esoteric anatomy of the human being and its correlation to the progressive stages of life.

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Cracking the Code of Experience (DVD)
When a questioner asks about the fearfulness he feels “locked” in his body, Avatar Adi Da Samraj responds that the root of fear is the same as the root of all suffering: the “self-contraction”, or the activity of identification with a separate and mortal body.

Subtitles in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, and Polish

Price: $14.95
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Transcend the Self-Knot of Fear (DVD)
When a questioner asks about the fearfulness he feels “locked” in his body, Avatar Adi Da Samraj responds that the root of fear is the same as the root of all suffering: the “self-contraction”, or the activity of identification with a separate and mortal body.

Subtitles in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, and Polish

Price: $14.95
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Reality Is Beyond "Point of View" (CD)
A selection of Talks by Avatar Adi Da Samraj on the true nature of Reality. Includes Discourses from throughout the 30 years of Avatar Adi Da’s formal Teaching-Work brings together samples from His vast Divine Instruction relative to the true nature of Reality—as the unknowable Condition that is Always Already the Case, prior to the presumption of a separate “point of view”.

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The Way Beyond Ego (CD)
A summary communication of the practice and Grace essential to the real process of Divine Liberation—Discourses by Avatar Adi Da given in October 2004 and April 2005.

audio    Play an 8:50 minute excerpt from Track 3

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Cracking the Code of Experience (CD)
A devotee's question about memory and a bicycle accident sparks Avatar Adi Da's Discourse about the nature of the human mechanism. From October 24, 2004.

Excerpt from Track 4: Break the Spell of Seeking

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Transcend the Self-Knot of Fear (CD)
When a questioner asks about the fearfulness he feels “locked” in his body, Avatar Adi Da Samraj responds that the root of fear is the same as the root of all suffering: the “self-contraction”, or the activity of identification with a separate and mortal body.

Excerpt from Transcend the Self-Knot of Fear

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Understanding (CD)
A Talk by Ruchira Avatar
Adi Da Samraj

On the first night of His Teaching-Work (April 25, 1972), Avatar Adi Da Gave this presentation of His “radical” argument relative to the activity of separation that is the root of all suffering and dilemma. When that activity is “understood”, then the Real Divine Condition can be felt and Enjoyed.

Listen to an excerpt from Track 1:

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Happiness Is Prior to Pleasure and Need (CD)
In the two Talks on this CD, Adi Da Samraj describes the necessity for self-understanding in our search for pleasure and in our attachments—particularly in the domain of sexuality and intimate relations.

Excerpt from Happiness Is Prior To Pleasure or Need

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