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My "Bright" Word

A new edition of the collection of classic Spiritual Discourses originally published as The Method of the Siddhas.

Discourses from The Divine Siddha-Method Of The Ruchira Avatar—The Divine Way Of Adidam Is An ego-Transcending Relationship, Not An ego-Centric Technique

Price: $24.95

In this extraordinary series of Discourses from His early Teaching Years, Avatar Adi Da Communicates an exquisite summary of His "radical" Teaching-Revelation, and He passionately Offers to everyone the Gift of the heart-relationship to Him (or Satsang with Him), as the True Means of Divine Liberation.

In My "Bright" Word, Avatar Adi Da elucidates the fundamentals of "radical" self-understanding, which principles are the foundation of His Revelation of the Way of Adidam. These include:

*The basic principle of egoic existence, the search, which Avatar Adi Da later Communicated in its simplest terms: "You want to feel good—because you feel bad. Therefore, you are seeking—in order to feel good."

*The essential ego-fault and the means for overcoming it: (1) Truth cannot be Realized by seeking for it. The seeking itself is the problem. When there is no seeking, Truth (or Reality) is Obvious. (2) Freedom (or Divine Liberation) is not dependent on any objective entity or process. Freedom (or Divine Liberation) Is Always Already the Case.

*The single logic of egoic life: The logic (or process) of separation itself, of enclosure and immunity, informs every function of the living being, every experience, every act, every event.

*The Grace-Given process of "radical" self-understanding: (1) Observe your own self-contracting activity. Understand your own self-contracting activity. Transcend your own self-contracting activity.

My "Bright" Word is a Gift Avatar Adi Da has Given to all--for the purpose of Divine Liberation for those who choose It. In this book, Avatar Adi Da makes it possible for anyone to read the first formal Instruction Given by Him--the Divine Heart-Master, the Very Incarnation of Truth Itself (or Reality Itself).

In modern language, this volume teaches the ancient all-time trans-egoic truths. It transforms the student by paradox and by example. Consciousness, understanding, and finally the awakened Self are the rewards. What more can anyone want?

—Elmer Green, Ph.D.
Director Emeritus, Center for Applied Psychophysiology, The Menninger Clinic
ISBN: 1-57097-205-2
544 pages
Price: $24.95

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