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Orientation to the Dawn Horse Press Collectibles
The Dawn Horse Press has published the Divine Word of Avatar Adi Da Samraj for over thirty-five years. During that time, His Word has evolved through several historic eras of Teaching and Divine Revelation. We have always worked in response to Adi Da and His Work, which, as He has indicated, is generated spontaneously, in response to the heart-need of all beings. Thus, for those serious about responding to His Word, studying His most current Instruction is of utmost importance. If you are new to the Teaching of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, we recommend starting with titles in our “Adi Da and Adidam” section (click here).

This Collectibles section makes a wider range of titles available for those who want to enjoy them in their historical context.

Please note:
• All collectibles are in new condition

• These titles have very limited quantities

A Mastered Life

Talks and Writings on the Laws Inherent in the True Guru-Devotee Relationship to Be Lived with The Divine World-Teacher and True Heart-Master, Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Love-Ananda Samraj

Price: $16.95
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His Divine Presence

A magnificent selection of the most potent Darshan images of Adi Da Samraj from 2000-2008—often from occasions of fullest worship of His Bodily Form—as well as exquisite facing excerpts from His written Teaching. Many of the photographs are only available in this special publication.

High-quality hardbound with dust jacket and beautiful red cloth binding—makes an excellent gift!

On Sale! • Regularly: $27.00
Now 30% Off

Price: $18.90
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The Bodily Location of Happiness

A consideration of the only real "answer"—our bodily location of Happiness—the awakening and spiritual conversion of human beings

Price: $12.95
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Vegetable Surrender

This vintage publication of Avatar Adi Da’s delightful fable is now re-envisioned as a coloring book! Spend contemplative time with Master Foody-Moody and all the vegetables, putting your own imaginative touches on the detailed line drawings by Molly MacGregor. But remember, as the subtitle reveals: Happiness is not blue!

Price: $5.55
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I Am Happiness

A Rendering for Children of the Spiritual Adventure of
Master Da Free John (Adi Da Samraj)

Price: $8.95
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Science, Sacred Culture, and Reality

Conventional Knowledge, Science, and the Culture of Participation

Price: $2.50
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Feeling Without Limitation

Awakening to the Truth Beyond Fear, Sorrow, and Anger

Price: $9.95
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The Master Dancer

An outpouring of devotion by devotees, describing the 1987 gathering period in which Adi Da Samraj taught them through wild and ecstatic dancing with Him

Price: $12.95
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The Heart's Shout
It is a shout from Existence Itself—from the “Heart”, from the Absolute, Divine Consciousness that Is the Source and Substance of Reality. Happiness is shouting. Freedom is shouting. Life is shouting. And It is shouting because It wants to ... wake you up!
—from The Introduction

Price: $17.95
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The God In Every Body Book
  • Why can God’s existence not be denied but only Realized?
  • Why is scientistic doubt of the existence of God adolescent?
These and many more questions are fully answered in this inspiring and challenging book.

Price: $9.95
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The Completing Discourses of the 25-year Revelation

Conclusion of the 1995 Gathering Chronicle

Price: $5.00
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Live by the Heart and Be Changed

"Reality Considerations" about Emotional-Sexual Responsibility and True Renunciation

Price: $10.00
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The Order of My Free Names
Sacred names have always been felt to carry the influence and blessings of the deity they invoke. And in this historical (1995) book, Avatar Adi Da Samraj makes known the great Mystery of His Names. To remember the Names of Bhagavan Adi Da and use them with heart-feeling is to enter into the ecstasy of devotional Communion with Him.

Price: $17.95
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