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His Divine Presence

A magnificent selection of the most potent Darshan images of Adi Da Samraj from 2000-2008—often from occasions of fullest worship of His Bodily Form—as well as exquisite facing excerpts from His written Teaching. Many of the photographs are only available in this special publication.

High-quality hardbound with dust jacket and beautiful red cloth binding—makes an excellent gift!

On Sale! • Regularly: $27.00
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Price: $18.90
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That Most Beautiful Form

This 48 page, full color booklet displays photographs taken of the Sublime Blessing-Darshan of His Eternal Divine Presence, Parama-Sapta-Na Adi Da Love-Ananda Samraj on November 26, 2008, the Day Before His Divine Mahasamadhi. The 8 1/2" by 11" format showcases a collection of absolutely breathtaking images.

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Price: $6.97
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The Ancient Walk-About Way
The Core Esoteric Process of Real Spirituality and Its Perfect Fulfillment in the Way of Adidam

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Price: $9.07
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The Relationship To The Guru Is The Constant In Life (DVD)

By tendency, people are bound to the natural cycle of ups and downs. Neither bodily pleasures nor spiritual pursuits result in True Freedom from this constant phasing. One path merely accentuates the descending (or bodily) experiences and the other, the ascending (or subtle) experiences.

In this Discourse, Avatar Adi Da reveals with absolute clarity how the relationship with the Guru (or Satsang) gives freedom from this trap—because the Guru is the Manifestation of the Condition that is Prior to this mechanical cycling, not part of it.

On Sale! • Regularly: $14.95
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Price: $10.47
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The Guru is Sufficient (DVD)

Avatar Adi Da makes clear that, no matter what the state of your life—whether apparently positive or apparently negative—there is always the present opportunity to enter into Communion with the Divine.

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Price: $10.47
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Guru, Faith, and Divine Communion -and- I Will Do Everything (CD)

In these two Discourses, Avatar Adi Da beautifully illuminates the nature of the relationship to the Spiritual Master, or Guru. This sacred relationship is the direct means by which the Divine Principle becomes operative in your life.

Enjoy this excerpt from Guru, Faith, and Divine Communion

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Price: $6.97
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Conversion To The Guru (CD)
In this Discourse Avatar Adi Da Samraj masterfully explores the relationship between experience, understanding, and Truth: Experience cannot ever lead to Truth—but, in the context of the devotional relationship to Avatar Adi Da, experience can serve the crisis of understanding that makes a person available to His Transmission of Truth.

Includes Avatar Adi Da’s lively recountings of two genuine conversion stories—one from a modern Christian minister and the other His amusing free-rendering of the story of Ribhu and his disciple Nidhaga (from the Ribhu Gita, an epitome of traditional Non-dualist teachings).
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Play a 5:45 minute clip from CD
Price: $6.97
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Money, Food, and Sex/ Guru As Prophet (2-CD Set)
Double-CD—nearly two hours long!
In these two early Discourses, Avatar Adi Da clarifies the Function of the True Guru, which is not to satisfy or relieve the seeker, but to frustrate all forms of the search for self-fulfillment—whether through money, food, sex, or even Spiritual practice. When this ego-frustrating process is engaged as Satsang, as relationship to the Guru, then Present Realization of the Divine can be Awakened—and only then can the real Spiritual process begin.

Listen to clip from “Money, Food, and Sex”

Listen to clip from “Guru As Prophet”

On Sale! • Regularly: $14.95
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Price: $10.47
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2024 Adidam Sacred History Calendar
This year’s Adidam Sacred History Calendar honors two significant milestones in Avatar Adi Da’s Life and Work with His devotees. 2024 marks the fiftieth anniversary of Avatar Adi Da’s Talk “Guru Enters Devotee” in January 1974 and the “First Great Guru Day” celebration at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in July 1974. Starting from this early Teaching-Demonstration, the 2024 Adidam Calendar celebrates Avatar Adi Da’s Revelation of the Guru-devotee relationship in His Eternal Blessing-Company and the great esoteric tradition of devotion to the Adept-Realizer altogether.
On Sale! • Regularly: $29.95
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Price: $14.98
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2024 Adidam Pocket Calendar
This small, laminated card features an image of Avatar Adi Da from July 2006 at Adi Da Samrajashram. This image is drawn from the full-size 2024 Adidam Sacred History Calendar—which honors Avatar Adi Da’s Revelation of the Guru-devotee relationship in His Eternal Blessing-Company and the great esoteric tradition of devotion to the Adept-Realizer altogether.
Free, with orders over $25

Price: $2.95
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