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Adi Da and Adidam

Each of these books provides an accessible introduction to Avatar Adi Da and His Reality-Way. While those who are new will find these texts particularly useful, those who are already familiar with Avatar Adi Da and His Teaching-Wisdom can read these texts to refresh their understanding of the foundation practices and Gifts Offered by Avatar Adi Da Samraj.

The Knee Of Listening

Avatar Adi Da's Spiritual Autobiography has transformed the lives of thousands of secular and religious seekers since it was first published in 1972. The Knee Of Listening tells the miraculous story of His unique Incarnation and Revelation in the West for the sake of Liberating all beings.

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The Avatar of What Is
An Authorized, Brief Biography An authorized, brief biography of Avatar Adi Da Samraj. Expanded second edition. This new edition includes an inspiring new foreword and conclusion by a senior renunciate devotee of Avatar Adi Da, as well as a full description of the completion of Avatar Adi Da’s Lifetime and of the establishment of His Eternal Work. These essential updates include new photographs as well as newly added quotations by Avatar Adi Da, infusing the book with Avatar Adi Da’s own Word on the Completion of His Life and Work.
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The Reality-Way of Adidam

This book is written for those who are moved to learn about the way of life Adi Da Samraj has given to all who would enter into the Divine Process that outshines all seeking.

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The Ancient Walk-About Way
The Core Esoteric Process of Real Spirituality and Its Perfect Fulfillment in the Way of Adidam

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The Ancient Reality-Teachings

The Single Transcendental Truth Taught by the Great Sages of Buddhism and Advaitism

Book Four of The “Perfect Knowledge” series

An anthology of Avatar Adi Da’s masterful renderings of traditional Spiritual texts, together with His discourses about these texts.

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The Gift Of The Eight-Part Adomonition
The Gift Of The Eight-Part Admonition
The Practice Manual for Avatar Adi Da’s Third Congregation Devotees

I Am the Access. I Am the Doorway. —Avatar Adi Da Samraj

A potent collection of Avatar Adi Da's Word to illuminate the meaning and guidance contained within His simple and direct Eight-Part Admonition relative to the relationship with Him. This book also includes:

■ a sacred orientation to Third Congregation practice from senior renunciate devotee Ruchiradama Quandra Sukhapur
■ a useful compendium of practical help and resources
■ contextual remarks by the editors to introduce and augment each section
■ 17 images including 11 full-page photographs of Avatar Adi Da

Altogether, this is an invaluable primer for those who are considering formal practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam in this form—and for anyone to be refreshed in the devotional core of the relationship with Avatar Adi Da.

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The Gift of Truth Itself

The Realization of The Truth of Reality Itself cannot be “caused”—but “It” can (and, indeed, must) Be Given.
                                  —Avatar Adi Da Samraj

This slim volume speaks directly to everyone’s innate heart-intuition of Truth and Reality: offering a penetrating analysis of human suffering and the liberating expression of the process of utter Freedom and Happiness. Drawn from Avatar Adi Da’s final masterwork, The Aletheon, the selections in this book are a wonderful introduction to Adi Da’s Revelation-Word.

• Brief contextual remarks by the editors introduce each selection
• Pocketbook format enhances portability and readability
• Affordable way to begin Aletheon study

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I Am Happiness

A Rendering for Children of the Spiritual Adventure of
Master Da Free John (Adi Da Samraj)

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The Liberator
When the heart-response (or Awakening) to Truth is Real, then the frightened and self-bound motive toward the world (and the inevitable round of pleasures, confrontations, doubts, searches, and always temporary releases) begins to fall away. The mortal self becomes simpler in action, more free of habitual reactions to insult and frustration of purpose, more humorous in the face of conditional Nature and all the fools of conditional Nature, more compassionate, and inclined to selfless (or sorrowless) Love.
—His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj

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Love and Blessings
Heart-breaking stories from more than twenty devotees tell of human need and Divine Response
                        —Edited by Bill Gottlieb

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Radical Devotion
A supplement to The Way of Perfect Knowledge
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Religion and Reality

Avatar Adi Da’s lucid description of the true relationship between religion and reality.

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That Most Beautiful Form

This 48 page, full color booklet displays photographs taken of the Sublime Blessing-Darshan of His Eternal Divine Presence, Parama-Sapta-Na Adi Da Love-Ananda Samraj on November 26, 2008, the Day Before His Divine Mahasamadhi. The 8 1/2" by 11" format showcases a collection of absolutely breathtaking images.

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