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These publications are perfect for new readers who want to find out about Avatar Adi Da, and for those who are interested in a particular aspect of His Wisdom-Teaching.
The "Basket of Tolerance" booklets each contain a single essay or a group of essays- either from The Basket of Tolerance itself or from another book on the Great Tradition--in which Avatar Adi Da Samraj elucidates a particular aspect of (or "point of view" within) the Great Tradition. The some of the topics covered in these essays range from The Western Prohibition Against Higher Knowledge to The Revolutionary (and Yet Conventional) Effort of Classical Buddhism.
Each of the booklets in the "Truth for Real" series contains a single Essay or Talk from one of the twenty-three Source-Texts. Those Source-Texts, taken together, are Avatar Adi Da’s complete Revelation of the Way He Offers to all — the Way of the Heart. Therefore, each of these booklets represent a means for devotees and all people to connect with His Unique and extensive compilation of Spiritual Dharma.
In the sacred culture of Adidam, October 27 is “Naitauba Padavara Mela”—which, in Sanskrit, literally means “Celebration” (Mela) of “Footstep Day” (Padavara) at Naitauba Island (Fiji). This celebration honors the day, in 1983, when?Avatar Adi Da first arrived at Naitauba—thus initiating His Transcendental Spiritual Work that established this Island as the?principal Locus of His Divine Blessing-Radiation to the world, for all time.
The entire Great Tradition of humandkind (comprising the paths and Ways of the global totality of humankind in the developmental context of the first six stages of life) is, in summary, a debate between traditions of transcendence. —by Adi Da Samraj
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