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These publications are perfect for new readers who want to find out about Avatar Adi Da, and for those who are interested in a particular aspect of His Wisdom-Teaching.

The Basket of Tolerance Series

The "Basket of Tolerance" booklets each contain a single essay or a group of essays- either from The Basket of Tolerance itself or from another book on the Great Tradition--in which Avatar Adi Da Samraj elucidates a particular aspect of (or "point of view" within) the Great Tradition. The some of the topics covered in these essays range from The Western Prohibition Against Higher Knowledge to The Revolutionary (and Yet Conventional) Effort of Classical Buddhism.

Price: $12.50
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Truth For Real Series

Each of the booklets in the "Truth for Real" series contains a single Essay or Talk from one of the twenty-three Source-Texts. Those Source-Texts, taken together, are Avatar Adi Da’s complete Revelation of the Way He Offers to all — the Way of the Heart. Therefore, each of these booklets represent a means for devotees and all people to connect with His Unique and extensive compilation of Spiritual Dharma.

Price: $10.50
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The Public Religion of Christianity and The Original Way of Jesus of Galilee
The four essays are:

• The Principal Christian Idea
• All Illusion Is False Explanation
• The Official Christianity That Won, The Official and Non-Official Christianities That Lost, and The Original Christianity That Would Yet Succeed Them All
• Beyond The Scapegoat-Christ (The Original Way of Jesus of Galilee)

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The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus
The only real and possible Ascension is the Spiritual journey (or ascent) to God (or to the “Heaven” of Yogic Realization of “Cosmic Consciousness”, and Yogic God-Union), but only the Initiates (or the Spiritual elite) among the ancients knew this.

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj

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The Dual Sensitivity at the Origin
of The Divine Way of Adidam

Why does it say right in the title that this booklet’s topic is at the origin of Adidam? Avatar Adi Da’s Instruction on "Dual Sensitivity" is critically important and must be understood and addressed by any serious student or devotee of His.

Because people don’t want to live in fear, they individually and collectively desensitize themselves (seeking by every kind of worldly and religious means) to the fact that everyone suffers and dies. The acknowledgment of our mortal condition is the first sensitivity.

The second sensitivity is to the impulse that everyone has to be completely and permanently happy.

Although the basic facts of this Teaching Argument (comprising the first part of the booklet) may seem obvious, Adi Da Samraj Brightens all the dark corners so thoroughly and exposes all humankind’s loopholes so explicitly, reading this short Work can leave one with a jaw-dropping, “why did that not occur to me?” feeling.

In the closing section of the booklet, Avatar Adi Da Reveals how True Happiness and freedom from the cycle of death and rebirth can be realized through devotional relationship to Him, which is the Way of Adidam.
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Space-Time Is Love-Bliss
“Truth For Real” Series, Number 2
Price: $0.90
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The Unique Potential of Man Is the Progress of self-Understanding and self-Transcendence
Price: $0.90
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Beyond the Cultic Tendency in Religion and Spirituality, and in Secular Society
“Truth For Real” Series, Number 4
Price: $0.90
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The Great Esoteric Tradition of Devotion to the Adept-Realizer
“Truth For Real” Series, Number 5
Price: $0.90
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A Call to Freedom of Choice in Religion and in Sexual Practice (Booklet)
An essay by Avatar Adi Da Samraj on the practice of public tolerance, respect, and love in democratic societies
Price: $0.90
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Sex, Laughter, and Real-God-Realization (Booklet)

A Talk from Ruchira Avatara Hridaya Tantra Yoga By Adi Da Samraj about the three fundamental disturbances of life: sex, laughter, and Real-God-Realization.
Price: $0.90
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I Call you to Go Beyond the "Oedipal" Sufferings of Childhood
“Truth For Real” Series, Number 8

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Direct Examination of the Structure and Roots of One's Own Body-Mind

With this booklet, Avatar Adi Da helps us understand the psycho-physical nature of the human body-mind as well as the world

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Feel Love’s Wound
An excerpt from The Dawn Horse Testament of The Ruchira Avatar
Price: $0.90
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Naitauba Padavara Mela (booklet)

A stunning twentieth-anniversary celebration pamphlet, brimming with gorgeous images and articles.

16-Page Full-Color Pamphlet

Price: $5.00
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Cooperative, Human-Scale Community and the Integrity (Religious, and Altogether) of Civilization (Booklet)
In Avatar Adi Da’s essay on the necessity of a true cooperative culture, He points out the profound difference between true (and, necessarily sacred) community and mere practical (political, social and cultural) communalism

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The Alpha Strategy and the Omega Strategy
“Truth For Real” Series, Number 11

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There Is Only Real God
"Truth For Real" Series, Number 12
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My Call for the Universal Restoration of the Sacred (or Central) Domain of Human Life
“Truth For Real” Series, Number 13

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The Western Prohibition
Against Higher Knowledge
and Realization

The Basket Of Tolerance Booklet Series, Number 1
Price: $0.90
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The Sixth Stage Acausal Ways of Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta--and the Seventh Stage Acausal Way of Adidam
This essay is a comparison between the essential teachings of Gotama, the founder of Buddhism, and Shankara, one of the principal teachers in the Hindu tradition of Advaita Vedanta. Avatar Adi Da speaks of how both traditions emphasis a non body-minded based intuition of the Transcendental Reality, through different approaches.
The entire Great Tradition of humandkind (comprising the paths and Ways of the global totality of humankind in the developmental context of the first six stages of life) is, in summary, a debate between traditions of transcendence.
—by Adi Da Samraj
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The Real Intention and True Message of "Creation" Myths
The Basket Of Tolerance Series, Number 3

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The Stigmata (and Religious Phenomena in General)
The Stigmata (and Religious Phenomena in General) Are a Tradition-Inspired Product of Human Psycho-Physical Participation in the Unity and Ultimate Divinity of Reality, and Not a "Miracle" or "Proof" of an "Outside" God
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The Lesser and Greater Traditions Associated with The Kundalini Shakti
The Basket Of Tolerance Booklet Series, Number 5
Price: $0.90
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To Realize Nirvana Is to Realize the True "Self"
To Realize Nirvana Is to Realize the True "Self": Buddhist Realism and Its (Ultimately) Inherent Sympathy with Advaitic "Idealism"
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The Effort to De-Mythologize Christianity
Price: $0.90
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What Is Required to Realize the Non-Dual Truth?
What Is Required to Realize the Non-Dual Truth? The Controversy Between the "Talking" School and the "Practicing" School of Advaitism
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The Shroud of Turin and the Cult of Relics
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The Revolutionary (and Yet Conventional) Effort of Classical Buddhism
"Mind Dharma" in Buddhism

Two Essays on Buddhism from The Basket Of Tolerance
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The True Transcending of Sex and the Entire Body-Mind (Booklet)
Eight essays that include Avatar Adi Da’s unique, Divine Wisdom on a wide range of topics related to sexuality in religious and Spiritual practice. From The Basket Of Tolerance.

Price: $0.90
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