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The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus
The Gnostic Reality and the Anti-Gnostic Legend
by The Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj

The only real and possible Ascension is the Spiritual journey (or ascent) to God (or to the “Heaven” of Yogic Realization of “Cosmic Consciousness”, and Yogic God-Union), but only the Initiates (or the Spiritual elite) among the ancients knew this.

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Price: $0.90

Jesus may rightly be said to have been such an Initate. Therefore, the stories of his Resurrection and Ascension can be rightly understood only as popular (or exoteric) retellings (or reformulations) of the Initiate experiences and Teachings of Jesus, the Spiritual experiences of his “Inner Circle”, and the esoteric (or symbolic) language of the general ancient tradition of mysticism.

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj

3-3/4" x 6", 17 pages
ISBN 1-57097-206-0
Price: $0.90

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