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The Dawn Horse Press has been producing Adidam Calendars since the early 1980’s. These calendars include recent photographs of Avatar Adi Da Samraj taken during the previous year, along with selected Quotations from His Wisdom-Teaching. In addition, the wall calendar indicates significant events in Avatar Adi Da's Life and Work.

2024 Adidam Sacred History Calendar
This year’s Adidam Sacred History Calendar honors two significant milestones in Avatar Adi Da’s Life and Work with His devotees. 2024 marks the fiftieth anniversary of Avatar Adi Da’s Talk “Guru Enters Devotee” in January 1974 and the “First Great Guru Day” celebration at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in July 1974. Starting from this early Teaching-Demonstration, the 2024 Adidam Calendar celebrates Avatar Adi Da’s Revelation of the Guru-devotee relationship in His Eternal Blessing-Company and the great esoteric tradition of devotion to the Adept-Realizer altogether.
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Price: $14.98
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2024 Adidam Pocket Calendar
This small, laminated card features an image of Avatar Adi Da from July 2006 at Adi Da Samrajashram. This image is drawn from the full-size 2024 Adidam Sacred History Calendar—which honors Avatar Adi Da’s Revelation of the Guru-devotee relationship in His Eternal Blessing-Company and the great esoteric tradition of devotion to the Adept-Realizer altogether.
Free, with orders over $25

Price: $2.95
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2024 Image-Art Calendar:
Geome Three

The Indivisible Space of Conscious Light

(Color Portfolio & Mille Camera V)

2023 Calendar

Da Plastique offers a selection of images from the suite Geome Three: The Scale of Perfection for this 2024 large format calendar. Adi Da Samraj describes the “Geome”—with formal geometric abstract based on circles, squares, and triangles—as a fundamental “working principle” of his image-art. Adi Da’s image-art reveals that the natural world is entirely constructed of these “primary geometries”.

Price: $108.00
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Perpetual Calendar: There Is Only The Perpetual "Brightness"
This “perpetual calendar” celebrates the Radiant Bodily Form and timeless Revelation-Statements of His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da Samraj—with a special compilation of daily photographs and quotations, created in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of His Work of Teaching and Blessing (1972–2022).

Price: $29.95
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2023 Adidam Sacred History Calendar

The 2023 calendar celebrates Avatar Adi Da’s Eternal Stand in Hermitage, set apart from the ordinary domain of humankind—and from egoity itself. Avatar Adi Da Established Himself in Hermitage in both physical and Transcendental Spiritual terms, to ensure His Blessing-Radiation to all beings in perpetuity. Forty years after Avatar Adi Da first set foot at Adi Da Samrajashram (Naitauba Island, Fiji) in 1983, we honor that Source-Place as Living Means of His Perpetual Blessing-Work.

Price: $29.95
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2023 Adidam Pocket Calendar
This small, laminated card features an image of Avatar Adi Da from 2008, at Adi Da Samrajashram, in honor of the 40th anniversary of Avatar Adi Da Samraj first setting foot on Adi Da Samrajashram (Naitauba Island, Fiji) in 1983.
Price: $2.95
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9 Mary (2022 Calendar)

9 Mary

(The Superconductivity of Celibate Women Under The Midnight Sun)

2022 Calendar

9 Mary—a monumental suite created by Adi Da Samraj in a three-month period from November 2001 through January 2002—is a pinnacle of Adi Da’s black-and-white imagery. In this suite, Adi Da infuses nine female subjects in light—in veiled, unveiled, and “re-patterned” abstractions—to the point of unrecognizability and dissolution. As Adi Da said in his artist’s statement:

I work to move the viewer into ecstasy—abstracted beyond the ego’s modes of perception. Ecstasy abstracts absolutely but not meaninglessly—beyond all presumed “difference” between “self” and “other”’.

Size: 23.5” x 17”

Price: $108.00
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