My Art is for the Transformation of Human Culture
Art is always coincident with culture, and culture is invariably bound to tradition—to all the limitations and (otherwise) all the virtues of humankind altogether. A global transformation is now required in human culture—after the devastation, or collapse, of ego-civilization in the twentieth century. Something entirely new is required—something comprehensively right.
My entire life has been spent in working to establish the basis for a “radically” new and “radically” comprehensive culture. My image-art is a summation, in artistic terms, of all the work I have done. Similarly, the books I have written are a summation, in literary and philosophical terms, of that same lifetime work. My lifetime of work has always been about the rightening of human existence and the transcending of what is binding human beings and leading them on a destructive course.
Therefore, the images I make and do—like the books I have written—are intended to establish a new paradigm of human civilization. The images I make and do are about an entirely different—and altogether ego-transcending—mode, not only of picture-making, but of living and understanding.
In this post-ego-civilization era, the only right basis for human existence—now, and into the future—is the establishment of a civilization that is no longer based on idealization of the ego, but also no longer based on “God”-mythologies. True and right life is neither “God”-myth-based nor ego-based. True and right life is intrinsically ego-transcending. True and right life is the life of intrinsically ego-less coincidence with Reality Itself. True and right life intrinsically transcends all mythologies—whether of “God” or of “Man” .
—Transcendental Realism
by Adi Da Samraj
Size:18 x 24 inch horizontal format
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