During His Incarnation-Lifetime, Avatar Adi Da created The Basket of Tolerance, a massive library collection, for which He developed an associated bibliography and wrote many accompanying commentarial essays (from which most of the booklets in this series are drawn). This library contains many thousands of items—books, articles, and audio-visual materials—on aspects of humankind’s total search for wisdom, which Avatar Adi Da calls “the Great Tradition”. Each item in the library was selected by Avatar Adi Da from the many more thousands of items that He reviewed during His physical Lifetime. As Avatar Adi Da described, this library is not simply a collection of many separate items, but is, rather, a system for comprehending the single, unified expression of the Great Tradition, and the completing expression of the Reality-Way of Adidam.
If it is embraced in its totality, The Basket of Tolerance will prove itself to be a useful and valuable resource for right study and right understanding of the historical traditions of truly human culture, practical “self”-discipline, perennial “religion”, universal “religious” mysticism, esoteric (but now openly communicated) Spirituality, Transcendental Wisdom, and would-be Most Perfect (or Divine) Enlightenment..
—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
The Basket of Tolerance
Included Booklets
- The Western Prohibition Against Higher Knowledge and Realization
- Direct Examination of the Structure and Roots of One’s Own Body-Mind Provides Immediate Evidence of The Hierarchical Structure of Reality, and Immediate Proof of The Divine Nature and “Purpose” of Existence
- The Real Intention and True Message of “Creation” Myths
- The Stigmata (and Religious Phenomena in General) Are a Tradition-Inspired Product of Human Psycho-Physical Participation in the Unity and Ultimate Divinity of Reality, and Not a “Miracle” or “Proof” of an “Outside” God
- The Lesser and Greater Traditions Associated with The Kundalini Shakti
- To Realize Nirvana Is to Realize the True “Self”: Buddhist “Realism” and Its (Ultimately) Inherent Sympathy with Advaitic “Idealism”
- The Effort to “De-Mythologize” Christianity: A Critical Appraisal of the Work of Rudolf Bultmann
- The “Official” (Exoteric) Fabrications and Secret (Esoteric) Truth about Jesus of Nazareth
- What Is Required to Realize the Non-Dual Truth?: The Controversy Between the “Talking” School and the “Practicing” School of Advaitism
- The “Shroud of Turin” and the “Cult” of Relics
- The Revolutionary (and Yet Conventional) Effort of Classical Buddhism and “Mind Dharma” in Buddhism
- The True Transcending of Sex and the Entire Body-Mind
- The Sixth Stage Acausal Ways of Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta—and The Seventh Stage Acausal Way of Adidam
- The Public Religion of Christianity and The Original Way of Jesus of Galilee
- “God”-Talk, Real-God-Realization, and Most Perfect Divine Awakening
Format: 15-booklet collection, 4" x 6" each
Page counts: 25-50 pages each