All of Avatar Adi Da's Words are an invitation to consider the Truth of Reality. And, even more than that, all of Avatar Adi Da’s Words are an invitation to enter into a real and profound Spiritual relationship to Him—for He has always said, “I Offer you a relationship, not a technique.” Many who have started by reading Avatar Adi Da’s Words have gone on to enter into this relationship as His formal devotees. And they have done so because they made the most amazing discovery of their lives: Avatar Adi Da Samraj is not merely a highly developed human being. He is able to speak the Truth for Real because He is Himself the Living Divine Truth, Appearing in a human body for a time, in order to connect all with His Eternal Presence.
The Real Condition (or Reality-Context) of space-time (or the conditional, or Cosmic, or psycho-physical, domain) Is Love-Bliss (Itself). Space-time (and even the entirety of all beings, things, or conditions apparent within it) Is (in and As Reality Itself) Love-Bliss (Itself). Love-Bliss (Itself) Is Reality (Itself) and Truth (Itself). Love-Bliss (Itself) Is the Only Real God.
—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
“Space-Time Is Love-Bliss”
Included Booklets
- The Dual Sensitivity at the Origin of The Divine Way Of Adidam
- Space-Time Is Love-Bliss
- The Unique Potential of Man Is the Progress of self-Understanding and self-Transcendence
- Beyond the Cultic Tendency in Religion and Spirituality, and in Secular Society
- The Great Esoteric Tradition of Devotion to the Adept-Realizer
- A Call to Freedom of Choice in Religion and in Sexual Practice
- Sex, Laughter, and Real-God-Realization
- I Call you to Go Beyond the “Oedipal” Sufferings of Childhood
- Feel Love’s Wound
- Cooperative, Human-Scale Community and the Integrity (Religious, and Altogether) of Civilization
- The Alpha Strategy and the Omega Strategy
- There Is Only Real God
- My Call for the Universal Restoration of the Sacred (or Central) Domain of Human Life
Format: 13-booklet collection
Dimensions: 4 x 6 inches each
Page counts: 25 - 65 pages each