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Santosha Adidam
The Seventeen Companions Of The True Dawn Horse, Book Fourteen
An extended overview of the entire course of the Way of Adidam, based on the esoteric anatomy of the human being and its correlation to the progressive stages of life.

Price: $34.95

Avatar Adi Da's extraordinary and comprehensive Instruction on the relationship between the seven stages of life and the "five sheath anatomy" of the human body-mind—including the physical body, the pranic body, the lower brain-mind, the superconscious mind, and the causal body.

Avatar Adi Da examines how the functional, practical, and relational self-disciplines of the Divine Way of Adidam relate to each of the five sheaths and to each of the seven stages of life.

6" x 9" quality paperback, 784 pages

ISBN: 1-57097-123-4
Price: $34.95

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