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The Dual Sensitivity That Moves The Heart (2-CD)
Two Discourses Given by His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da Samraj, June 20 and 21, 1995

In these exquisite Discourses, which were recorded over two consecutive nights on the island of Naitauba in Fiji, Avatar Adi Da Communicated essential Instruction on what He calls the “dual sensitivity”—or the simultaneous sensitivity to the suffering of mortal existence and to the heart’s impulse toward True Happiness.

Excerpt from Disc One: The Dual Sensitivity At The Origin of The Divine Way of Adidam

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It is not sufficient just to always remember that this is not paradise, that this is mortality-land, everything passes. . . .

You must realize that your heart-disposition . . . cannot be satisfied with anything less than Infinite, Absolute Happiness, or Divine Realization. And on the basis of that dual sensitivity, I Call you to respond to Me.

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
June 20, 1995

Disc One: The Dual Sensitivity At The Origin of The Divine Way of Adidam

On the first night, Avatar Adi Da spoke with His devotees about how they distract themselves from mortality by fixating on passing pleasures and self-fulfillment, in their relationships and in ordinary life altogether—and He points out how this effort suppresses the heart’s impulse to True Happiness.

Disc Two: The Dual Sensitivity As Expressed In Buddhism and Advaitism

On the second night, Avatar Adi Da discussed how the tradition of Buddhism is characterized by the sensitivity to the mortal condition, and the tradition of Advaitism is characterized by sensitivity to the heart’s impulse to Realize the Happiness beyond conditional existence. Through this in-depth analysis, Avatar Adi Da also clarifies the sympathetic likenesses between these traditions and the Reality-Way of Adidam, and simultaneously clarifies the unique “dual sensitivity” that is fundamental to the Reality-Way of Adidam.

Versions of these Discourse-recordings were originally published separately as The Urge to Happiness (June 20) and Buddhism, Advaitism, and the Way of Adidam (June 21). “The Dual Sensitivity At The Origin of The Divine Way of Adidam” (June 20) also appears in print-form in The Only Complete Way To Realize The Unbroken Light of Real (Acausal) God. Avatar Adi Da fully elaborates on the traditions of Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism in The Gnosticon.

These recordings have been digitally remastered. They are archival recordings with some quality variations.

Total Running Time: 2 hours 19 minutes

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Price: $14.95

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