Avatar Adi Da has produced a vast body of Wisdom-Literature that addresses
literally every aspect of human, Spiritual, and Divine life. The Dawn Horse Press
is dedicated to making this Teaching available to all. In addition to the Teachings
of Avatar Adi Da, we also carry a selection of books from the various religious
and spiritual traditions of the world.
Featured Product:
The Dual Sensitivity That Moves The Heart
Two Discourses Given by His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da Samraj, June 20 and 21, 1995
In these exquisite Discourses, which were recorded over two consecutive nights on the island of Naitauba in Fiji, Avatar Adi Da Communicated essential Instruction on what He calls the “dual sensitivity”—or the simultaneous sensitivity to the suffering of mortal existence and to the heart’s impulse toward True Happiness.
Excerpt from Disc One: The Dual Sensitivity At The Origin of The Divine Way of Adidam
Other Featured Products:
Inspect and Understand Your Inherited Mind (DVD)
A compilation of Discourses Given from 2004 to 2005
From The Universal Tradition Video Series
In this first volume of The Universal Tradition Video Series, Avatar Adi Da invites His listeners to participate in a study and consideration of the traditions of humankind (which He describes as collectively forming a single “Great Tradition”). Such consideration, He Says, is an essential foundation for questioning the perceptions and beliefs that have been unconsciously inherited from these traditions. He Reveals the Unity from which all traditions arise—the Truth that is Prior to every “point of view”—and urges everyone to transcend all presumptions of non-unity, which give rise to conflict (both individually and collectively).
Atma Nadi Shakti Yoga (Updated and Expanded)
The Intrinsically egoless Transcendental Spiritual Reality-Way of Adidam Ruchiradam
Atma Nadi Shakti Yoga is Avatar Adi Da’s quintessential communication of the Process by which any and all living beings may Realize the Ecstasy of Perfect Oneness, or Prior Unity, with Reality Itself (or Truth Itself).