The Eternal One includes Ruchiradama Quandra Sukhapur Rani’s personal account of the final years of Avatar Adi Da’s human Life, and additional deeply intimate testimonies from many of His devotees. A bountiful collection of photographs celebrate the extraordinary Event of Avatar Adi Da’s Passing, the pristine quality of His final days on this Earth, and the gracious outpouring of Work He Accomplished in the last years of His Life.
The Eternal One concludes with an extensive collection of Avatar Adi Da’s Word on His own Passing. We offer this unique collection as a resource to which you can return again and again in order to refresh your understanding of the significance of His Passing, and of the truly Prior and Perfect Nature of His Work and Revelation which is not changed by the Passing of His human Form.
Please explore the Table of Contents for a complete overview of this remarkable book.
The Dawn Horse Press has published a limited run of only 180 copies of a very special hardcover edition of The Eternal One: The Divine Mahasamadhi of the Divinely Translated Master, Parama-Sapta-Na Adi Da Samraj.
1-10 $1,080 (comes with photo A, B and C, size 11" x 14")
11-20 $540 (comes with 2 photos of your choice, size 11" x 14")
21-30 $250 (comes with 1 photo of your choice, size 11" x 14") SOLD OUT!
31-180 $108 (comes with 1 photo of your choice, size 8" x 10")
To order your book, we request that you pay $1.00 to reserve your copy. We will contact you after receiving your reservation to discuss which book and photograph(s) you would like to purchase. Your reservation fee will be deducted from the total amount.
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