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Inspect and Understand Your Inherited Mind (DVD)
A compilation of Discourses Given from 2004 to 2005
From The Universal Tradition Video Series
In this first volume of The Universal Tradition Video Series, Avatar Adi Da invites His listeners to participate in a study and consideration of the traditions of humankind (which He describes as collectively forming a single “Great Tradition”). Such consideration, He Says, is an essential foundation for questioning the perceptions and beliefs that have been unconsciously inherited from these traditions. He Reveals the Unity from which all traditions arise—the Truth that is Prior to every “point of view”—and urges everyone to transcend all presumptions of non-unity, which give rise to conflict (both individually and collectively).
Price: $14.95
Only what is inherently founded in Unity and unifies (by virtue of its very existence or performance) . . . is in the domain of true religion or Truth altogether. Anything that bypasses that inherent Unity—both the Indivisible Oneness that transcends even the Unity, and the inherently unified nature of all conditions—anything that denies that, anything that undermines it, is false.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj
August 15, 2004

About The Discourses in The Universal Tradition Video Series

Avatar Adi Da Completed His Essential Teaching-Work in the year 2000. However, from mid-2004 to early 2006, Avatar Adi Da offered a unique series of Discourses that were broadcast live over the Internet to His devotees worldwide. The Discourses in the Universal Tradition Video Series are all drawn from this unique period in Avatar Adi Da’s Work.

These were the final occasions during Avatar Adi Da’s physical Lifetime that He met with large groups of His devotees in order to Speak to them directly. In these Discourses, He is no longer Instructing on the basis of His Submission to the Work of Generating His Teaching-Revelation. He speaks only from and as the egoless Divine Reality-State—summarizing His Great Teaching-Revelation for the sake of all beings. And, in fact, these Discourse occasions were part of a summary process in the last years of Avatar Adi Da’s physical Lifetime that culminated in His Final Revelation-books, principally The Aletheon.

The Discourses selected for the Universal Tradition Video Series focus on right understanding of the patterns inherent in all historical human approaches to Spiritual life and clarifying the unique Way and Realization of Adidam Ruchiradam offered by Avatar Adi Da to all.

Running time: 1 hour 6 minutes

Price: $14.95

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