These images, created by devotee-artist Judith Parkinson, are entirely inspired by the imagery and Instruction of Avatar Adi Da Samraj. Judith worked directly with Adi Da Samraj on graphic imagery related to the Reality-Way of Adidam for many years, and went on to create a wide breadth of her own artistic work innately influenced by His Revelation of Reality.
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Avatar Adi Da often spoke about how the great trees demonstrate the inherent disposition of Divine contemplation:
I used to go for walks through Muir Woods or the redwoods up near Trinidad [California]. The trees, generally speaking, were not disturbed. Sometimes things happen to trees and they exhibit disturbance—they fall over or get injured or even die. But otherwise, standing around in the forest, they do not seem to have any disposition that suggests they are disturbed about being alive there. They seem more characterized by some kind of contemplation. . . . A lot of people never seem to do anything even remotely like contemplation. But if you observe non-humans, virtually all of them show signs of setting themselves apart and entering into a contemplative state that resembles some kind of a samadhi or meditative condition.
October 20, 2004
(Northern California, 2000 Adi Da Samraj. © ASA)
The redwoods in North America also hold a special place in the artwork of Adi Da Samraj. In June 2000, while walking through the redwoods, Adi Da Samraj was inspired to start manipulating the exposure time, the aperture, and the body of His camera. He described the images that were created as “photographs that are the tangible manifestation of a different mode of experience” --and later named this moment the initiation of “Free Light-Imagery”. It was a breakthrough event in Avatar Adi Da’s artistic process that led to His work with in-camera multiple-exposure photography.
Format: Glossy cards
Dimensions: 5.25 inch folded square