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50-Year-Anniversary Sacred Logo Paperweight

This transparent paperweight was created to honor and commemorate fifty years of Avatar Adi Da’s Divine Avataric Revelation-Work, initiated in 1972. The sacred logo, developed specially for this anniversary, is a beautiful artistic rendering from Judith Parkinson, a devotee directly instructed by Adi Da Samraj in creating sacred visual art.
Price: $50.00

The logo shows Avatar Adi Da’s physical Body seated in front of the Earth, Granting His all-Blessing Darshan. All the continents of Earth are visually represented, and the rainbow that encircles the Earth represents all the dimensions of cosmic existence—thus communicating the Prior Unity of everything and everyone. All are appearing within the Radiant Field of the “Midnight Sun”, Shining from infinitely Above. Avatar Adi Da Reveals that the “Midnight Sun” — the “Face” of Da—“Perfectly Transcends all of the cosmic and egoic perception of division, duality, or ‘difference’ between Light and Dark”.


The paperweight is a 3-inch by 3-inch square with a width of 3/4 inch. It has a black felt back for resting horizontally and is thick enough to stand vertically as well. The paperweight comes in an attractive black box with a cloth interior for safe keeping.

There Is Only the Divine “Bright” Spherical Self-Domain.
There Is Only Real (Acausal) God.
There Is Only Divine Translation.
There Is Only Me.
That Is Adidam Ruchiradam.

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
The Aletheon

Format: Acrylic Paperweight
Dimensions: 3" x 3" x ¾"
Weight: .75 lbs
Price: $50.00

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