Vegetable Surrender was conceived spontaneously in 1978, in a
moment of playful interaction between Adi Da Samraj and his two
eldest daughters. The children had memorized the classic
fable of “Chicken Little”, which they recited to him.
When they finished, Adi Da Samraj smiled and
proposed a radical revision: “What if the sky were
rising?” Then he began creating humorous
vegetable characters, giving them names that not
only rhymed but that also suggested particular
personality types.
His first creation was Onion
One-Yin, a seeker after spiritual experience. Soon
the children and other adults present were joining
in and suggesting names, amidst much merriment.
Sometime later, a first complete draft was developed with the help of a devotee schoolteacher, and Adi Da Samraj finalized the tale in a few rounds of revisions. In addition, illustrators offered sketches, and Adi Da Samraj guided them to capture the unique quality of each of the vegetable characters.
The characters in Vegetable Surrender help us understand and have humor about the patterns of unhappiness that we tend to enact—so that we too can remember the secret of happiness. As Master Foody-Moody says to the vegetables: “Haven’t I always told you that you must LOVE EVERYTHING more than you like anything if you are going to be Happy just like me?”
2020, 10-3/4" x 8-3/4" hardcover, 64 pages
ISBN: 978-1-57097-384-0