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At the Feet of the Spiritual Master
Stories from My Life with Avatar Adi Da Samraj, by Gerald Sheinfeld
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      The Dawn Horse Press is happy to be able to offer this collection of Leelas (sacred stories) about one devotee’s experience in the Company of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, witnessed and recorded between 1972 and 2016.
Gerald’s book is full of Avatar Adi Da’s Gifts of Love, Humor, lessons in self-understanding, and the constant Revelation of Divine Reality.

• Offers unique insight into how Avatar Adi Da Blessed and Worked with His devotees and all beings
• Engaging storytelling across 114 Leelas
• Illustrated with 29 rare photographs dating back to 1971

From Chapter 3, Painting the Trellis
“I almost left numerous times. But something kept me in place, continuing to paint. . . . The ordeal was finally over, the job was finally done. With the very last stroke of the paint brush, I gave out a deep sigh of relief. Immediately, from the other side of the wall, Franklin burst out laughing. . . .
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Continued from above “Franklin’s laughter lifted me up. It took my attention off my self-concern, all my problems, and directed my feelings to Him. . . . His laughter made me feel profoundly connected to Him. I began laughing with Him . . . This was the one relationship in which there was no need to hide my vulnerability, no reason to protect my so-called ‘self’. Again and again over the years I would be shown the Divine Love and Humor of Avatar Adi Da Samraj and the Way of the Heart.”

Rolf C. Carriere:
Gerald Sheinfeld has written an up-close account of his lifelong devotion and service to his Guru, Adi Da Samraj. In brief vignettes, this Leela book chronicles Gerald’s 45-year struggle for increasingly profound self-understanding aimed at ego-transcendence.
The Leelas make abundantly clear that living in the ever-blessing presence of the Guru is an utterly demanding practice, keeping devotees on their toes all the time, out of their comfort zone, without a let-up, moment to moment, day after day.
The reader becomes a witness to the intimate play in which the Guru, with no holds barred, creates an endless variety of teachable moments, often out of seemingly innocuous events and circumstances, and thereby confronting devotees with their interminable acts of self-contraction. The Guru mirrors devotees back to themselves, all for the sole purpose, and ultimate reward, of Enlightenment. . . .
—Rolf C. Carriere
Senior UN official 1971–2004, senior advisor to several INGOs 2005–present
Susana Weingarten Evert:
I am grateful and delighted to have read the “Leela” manuscript of Gerald Sheinfeld. It is a well-rounded selection of stories that describe how Master Adi Da taught His devotees with humor, compassion, and love. It is a clear and emotional testimonial of Adi Da’s Teachings for all humankind that brought tears to my eyes continuously. Adi Da’s Teaching transmits the Truth simply. Thank you, Gerald. You have created a testimonial that the world urgently needs.
—Susana Weingarten Evert
Professional dancer, Ballet Independiente de Mexico and DANCEVERT; choreographer, educator, and massage therapist
Kathy M. Skerritt:
Living in times when tribalism is the dominant global paradigm (by which I mean the separation of individuals into opposi- tional factions based on ego-driven and presumed-to-be irreconcil- able differences), it is emotionally potent and spiritually promising to read of one man’s radically unconventional encounters with a teacher unlike any heretofore appearing in the sacred traditions. Gerald gives us entrée into how, over decades of practice as Adi Da’s devotee, he came to understand what it means to surrender the egoic self and be drawn into the state of non-opposition and non-difference made possible by Adi Da’s own spiritual realization. At the Feet of the Spiritual Master is a must-read for any who are fatigued by the politics of “divide and conquer” and who know that there is Something Else to be understood.
—Kathy M. Skerritt
Co-Founder, The Anthroposphere Institute; first generation framer, The Great Lakes Commons Social Charter
Andrew Harvey:
“I offer you a relationship not a technique”: These words by Adi Da Samraj open the engaging and revealing stories of Gerald Sheinfeld’s 45 years with his Spiritual Master. Gerald’s stories give a unique insight into the Guru/devotee relationship, beginning with his confession that feeling Adi Da’s Enlightened State answered his search for God and truth. Then over time Adi Da served that heart-awakened response by revealing more and more of His Awakened Condition, spontaneously generating a deeper devotional response. These stories show how spiritual growth happens as a free gift by the Enlightened Master. A book worth studying, filled with the awakened recognition of Divine Reality and profound lessons in ego transcending self-understanding.
Andrew Harvey
Author, Evolutionary Love Relationships, Teachings of Rumi, and The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism
Charmian Anderson, PhD:
A brilliant U.S. scholar once stated, “Adi Da Samraj is the greatest Spiritual Master in all of history.” Gerald Sheinfeld is uniquely blessed to have spent decades in intimate proximity to the God man Adi Da Samraj. Gerald describes some of what it was like to live in the midst of such an incomparable, magnificent, human- ity-serving, radiant Force. I felt the presence of God throughout the pages of his book, which is a rare gift to the world.
Charmian Anderson, PhD
Author, The Heart of Success; one of the first individuals to receive an advanced degree in Transpersonal Psychology in the United States

Enjoy a color slideshow of images from this publication (which are black and white in the book)

Self-published 6" X 9" paperback, illustrated, 396 pages
ISBN 978-0692924983
September, 2017
Price: $19.95

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