Adi Da’s Image-Art and The Last Supper in the Cenacolo di Ognissanti
With clear and informative text and relevant illustrations, this amazingly beautiful book offers essential background on the history of perspectival art, as it unfolded since the Renaissance.
![Perspective](/images/products/photo/Perspective.jpg) Leon Battista Alberti’s “Visual Pyramid”, originally described in his Della pittura, 1435. (Illustration from Taylor, New Principles of Linear Perspective, 1811.)
| ![Madonna](/images/products/photo/Madonna.jpg) Duccio di Buonoinsegna, The Madonna and Child with Angels (1282–1307). 12 1/3 x 9". Bern, Kunstmuseum.
In addition to Professor Coates’s essay, this volume contains “The Maze of Ecstasy” by Adi Da Samraj, also written in response to the Cenacolo exhibition. When these two essays are read together, they provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the place of Adi Da’s art within the context of the unfolding of Western art, consciousness, and culture.
In the center of the book, you will also find a 16-page full-color insert with twenty examples of Adi Da’s art, including a two-page layout of Alberti’s Window I, which was exhibited as a 47-foot-long fabrication in Florence.
| ![](/images/products/photo/ReductionOfTheBeloved.jpg) The Reduction Of The Beloved: The Reduction Of The Beloved To As Is (The Lover, The Bride, The Wife, The Widow)—Part Four: The Lover, 6
(from Oculus One), 2006
6" x 9" quality paperback, 72 pages
ISBN: 978-1-57097-321-5
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