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His Divine Presence

A magnificent selection of the most potent Darshan images of Adi Da Samraj from 2000-2008—often from occasions of fullest worship of His Bodily Form—as well as exquisite facing excerpts from His written Teaching. Many of the photographs are only available in this special publication.

High-quality hardbound with dust jacket and beautiful red cloth binding—makes an excellent gift!

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Price: $18.90

Darshan of the human Form of Avatar Adi Da Samraj is a Supreme Blessing, Full of Awakening Power and Revelation for those whose hearts yearn for the Divine. In the photographs in this book, Avatar Adi Da Samraj is shown in various occasions of Darshan where He Freely Communicates the Sublime Blessings of the Divine Reality.
The words you will find in these pages were Spoken and Written by Avatar Adi Da Samraj as His Communication of the Unspeakable Divine Reality. His Words Communicate His Divine Instruction, Transmit His Divine Transcendental Spiritual Blessing, and Reveal His Divine Nature.
May His Divine Presence serve the process of sighting and listening to Avatar Adi Da Samraj such that His Gifts of Grace flow to you.


These photographs give only the slightest taste of the rich, full-color offering within the covers of this lavishly bound volume.

56 high-quality glossy pages, ISBN: 978-1-57097-261-4

Price: $18.90

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