“Easily one of the most profound, all-encompassing, and literally mind-blowing mystical systems of this, or any other, century.”
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The Special Limited Edition has gold gilded edges, and a special front page indicating its number. It comes in a dust jacket, and in a slipcase imprinted with a sacred logo created by Avatar Adi Da Samraj.
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The Aletheon, Avatar Adi Da's final great Writing-Labor of Love in a Lifetime of Boundless Service to all is more than a book. He ecstatically proclaims that The Aletheon is His Perfect Revelation of Himself, the Divine Person of Reality:
The Aletheon is not merely a Book of Teachings. Yes, It is Teachings, but It is a Self-Revelation of My Own Person and State. So The Aletheon is of Me, As Me, about Me—and Is Me.
—His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj
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