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Green Gorilla
The Searchless Raw Diet
The essential, summary communication about diet Given By His Divine Presence The Divine Avataric World-Teacher Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj.

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Price: $16.95

Avatar Adi Da’s fundamental recommendation relative to diet is the searchless raw (fructo-vegetarian) diet—searchless in the sense that it is simply lawful management of a body in Communion with the Living Reality, free of the need to use food as a means to solve any kind of problem or seek any kind of ideal in body or mind.

—from the introduction by Daniel Bouwmeester, MD

Green Gorilla is an amazing book because it is simple yet comprehensive at the same time. Being the author of several raw food books myself, I found that I couldn’t put this book down. Avatar Adi Da Samraj powerfully conveys the numerous benefits of the raw food diet. I am especially impressed with the way he ties overeating with ego-bound addiction to pleasure. I recommend that everyone read this book.

—Victoria Boutenko
author, Green for Life

6"X9" paperback

Price: $16.95

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