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What, Where, When, How, Why, and Who To Remember To Be Happy (Children's Book)
A unique Spiritual text for children (of all ages) that leads them through the contemplation of who we are, what we know, what death is, and what true happiness is.

Price: $14.95
As long as you go on feeling this Mystery, you feel free and full and happy—and you feel and act free and full and happy to others. This is the secret of being happy from the time you are small until the time you are old.

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj

(Image of page 4)

Avatar Adi Da Samraj helps people of all ages to find and feel and practice true Spiritual Happiness—and He has always made it clear that children have just as much of a right to, and just as much of a need and capacity for, real Spiritual practice as adults do. In this book, with loving detail, Avatar Adi Da Samraj tells children (of every age) how to feel and breathe and live in and even be the Spiritual Mystery that we are always already a part of.

Also available on CD (click here)

Children’s Hardcover Edition, updated, February 2000
9-1/2" x 7" hardcover, 21 full-color illustrations, 48 pages ISBN:1-57097-074-2
Price: $14.95

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